Jakarta, September 10th, 2021 – BINUS Business School is successfully listed in the Top 250 QS Global MBA Rankings 2022. The world’s leading institution of global higher education analysts, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), has officially released the annual suite of rankings of the QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings on Thursday, September 9th, 2021.

BINUS University Business School (BINUS Business School) Master of Management study program participated for the first time in this international ranking program and received a remarkable result. This achievement proves that BINUS Business School has an excellent MM study program in Indonesia and thus can be compared to MBA study programs from other best universities in the world.

BINUS Business School Amongst the Community of the World’s Best Business Schools 

The QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings is a part of the QS World University Rankings (WUR) organized by Quacquarelli Symonds. Every year, QS WUR releases a list of the world’s best MBA study programs. This year, hundreds of MBA study programs from 45 countries were selected to participate in the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 ranking process.

“This achievement as Top 250 QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 has become a milestone in BINUS Business School’s journey in providing entrepreneurship and education in Indonesia. As a business school that has been internationally accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), BINUS Business School always continues to innovate in preparing its students to become successful graduates in the business world, both as professionals and entrepreneurs,” said the Director of BINUS Business School, Dezie Leonarda Warganegara, Ph.D.

Out of all MBA program studies from around the world, BINUS Business School Master of Management study program is ranked in the 201-250th place. Based on the result of the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 assessment, BINUS Business School is in the top 70% of the list globally and top 75% in Asia. In the same rank (#201-250), there is also another well-reputed Indonesian university, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). This result shows that both BINUS Business School and UGM are two of the best MBA study programs in Indonesia according to QS Global MBA Rankings 2022.

Ranking Assessment Based on 5 Main Aspects

The ranking assessment of QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings is carried out based on five main aspects; Class and Faculty Diversity, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Outcome, Return on Investment, and Thought Leadership. BINUS Business School Master of Management study program managed to rank in the 41st place for Class and Faculty Diversity aspect. Regarding the other four aspects, BINUS Business School managed to secure a ranking of 201-250 for Employability; 121-130 for Entrepreneurship and Alumni Outcome; 251+ for Return on Investment; and 201-250 for Thought Leadership.

“The entire academic community of BINUS Business School and BINUS University were involved in the preparation of the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 assessment. This achievement of BINUS Business School being listed in the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 is not only a matter of pride but also an appreciation for the Master of Management study program and the academic community of BINUS University as a whole,” said the Dean of the BINUS Business School Master’s Program, Dr. Rini Setiowati, S.E., M.B.A.

Opening More Collaboration Opportunities with Other World’s Leading Universities

This QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings achievement strongly supports the vision of BINUS Business School, which has become a world-class business school that fosters and empowers the community to serve and develop the country by putting forward innovation in the field of business education. However, there are still many innovations that BINUS Business School wants to pursue.

All of this cannot be separated from the assistance of BINUS Global during the QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings assessment process. BINUS Global is a department in BINUS University that focuses on planning and executing the university’s international strategies. This includes establishing active partnerships with external partners from around the world. One of the BINUS Business School study programs being ranked in the Top 250 QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings is expected to open more opportunities to create other innovations in the future.

“BINUS Business School has been recognized as an excellent business school that is not only well-known in Indonesia, but also the world. This will lead to more opportunities to work together with the world’s leading business schools and global companies. It can create even greater opportunities for BINUS Business School students to prepare themselves to become outstanding graduates of world-class business schools,” said the Director of BINUS Global, Diah Wihardini, B.Sc.(Hons)., M.Ed., Ph.D.

With this accomplishment in the QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings, BINUS Business School will use it as motivation to continue to improve the quality of learning that opens up more doors for the entire academic community to innovate in their work.

“Through this accomplishment in the QS 2022 MBA Global Rankings, we hope that it can serve as a motivation for us to continue to improve our quality of learning that opens up more opportunities for the entire academic community to innovate in their work,” said the President of BINUS University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M. **(PID)



BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, Sekolah Bisnis Terbaik di Indonesia versi QS Global MBA Rankings 2022

Jakarta, 10 September 2021 – BINUS Business School sukses menempati daftar Top 250 QS Global MBA Rankings 2022. Lembaga pemeringkatan universitas dunia, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), telah resmi merilis hasil pemeringkatan QS MBA Global Rankings untuk tahun 2022 pada Kamis, 9 September 2021. Untuk pertama kalinya, program studi Magister Manajemen BINUS UNIVERSITY Business School (BINUS Business School) mengikuti program pemeringkatan tingkat internasional ini dan mendapatkan hasil yang sangat membanggakan. Pencapaian ini membuktikan bahwa BINUS Business School memiliki program studi Magister Manajemen (MM) yang unggul di Indonesia dan dapat disandingkan dengan program studi MBA dari universitas-universitas terbaik lainnya di dunia.

BINUS Business School dalam Komunitas Sekolah Bisnis Terbaik Dunia

QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 merupakan salah satu bagian dari program QS World University Rankings (WUR) yang diadakan oleh Quacquarelli Symonds. Setiap tahun, QS WUR merilis daftar program studi MBA terbaik di dunia. Tahun ini, ratusan program studi MBA dari 45 negara terpilih untuk mengikuti proses pemeringkatan QS Global MBA Rankings 2022.

“Pencapaian sebagai Top 250 QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 ini merupakan salah satu tonggak sejarah perjalanan BINUS Business School dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan manajemen dan kewirausahaan di Indonesia. Sebagai sekolah bisnis yang telah mendapatkan akreditasi internasional dari Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), BINUS Business School selalu terus berinovasi dalam mempersiapkan mahasiswanya agar menjadi lulusan yang sukses di dunia bisnis baik sebagai profesional maupun sebagai pengusaha,” tutur Direktur BINUS Business School, Dezie Leonarda Warganegara, Ph.D.

Dari program studi MBA seluruh dunia, program studi Magister Manajemen BINUS Business School berhasil menempati peringkat 201-250. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian QS Global MBA Rankings 2022, BINUS Business School secara global berada di posisi 70% teratas dunia dan 75% teratas Asia. Di peringkat yang sama (#201-250), terdapat juga Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Sehingga ini menjadikan BINUS Business School dan UGM sebagai dua program studi MBA terbaik di Indonesia versi QS Global MBA Rankings 2022.

Penilaian Pemeringkatan Berdasarkan 5 Aspek Utama

Metodologi pemeringkatan QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 dilakukan berdasarkan lima indikator, yaitu Class and Faculty Diversity, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Outcome, Return on Investment, serta Thought Leadership. Program studi Magister Manajemen BINUS Business School berhasil mendapatkan peringkat 41 pada aspek Class and Faculty Diversity. Terkait keempat aspek lainnya, BINUS Business School berhasil mendapatkan peringkat 201-250 untuk Employability; 121-130 untuk Entrepreneurship and Alumni Outcome; 251+ untuk Return on Investment; serta 201-250 untuk Thought Leadership.

“Seluruh sivitas akademika BINUS Business School dan BINUS University turut terlibat dalam persiapan penilaian QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 tersebut. Pencapaian BINUS Business School di QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 pun bukan hanya menjadi kebanggaan tapi juga penghargaan terhadap program studi Magister Manajemen dan komunitas akademis BINUS University secara keseluruhan,” ujar Dekan BINUS Business School Master’s Program, Dr. Rini Setiowati, S.E., M.B.A.

Membuka Lebih Banyak Peluang Kerja Sama dengan Universitas Terkemuka

Pencapaian dalam meraih peringkat QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 sangat mendukung visi BINUS Business School, yakni menjadi sekolah bisnis berkelas dunia yang membina dan memberdayakan masyarakat demi melayani dan membangun negeri dengan mengedepankan inovasi di bidang pendidikan bisnis. Masih banyak inovasi yang ingin dikembangkan oleh BINUS Business School.

Semua ini tidak terlepas dari peran BINUS Global yang turut mendampingi selama proses penilaian QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 berlangsung. BINUS Global adalah departemen di BINUS University yang fokus pada perancangan dan eksekusi strategi internasional universitas, termasuk menjalin kerja sama aktif dengan rekanan eksternal dari seluruh dunia. Salah satu program studi BINUS Business School dapat masuk dalam daftar Top 250 QS Global MBA Rankings 2022 tentu diharapkan membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk menciptakan inovasi-inovasi lain ke depannya.

“BINUS Business School telah diakui menjadi sekolah bisnis yang tidak hanya unggul di Indonesia, tapi juga dunia. Kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dengan sekolah-sekolah bisnis terkemuka di dunia dan perusahaan-perusahaan global pun akan semakin terbuka lebar. Hal ini dapat menciptakan kesempatan yang lebih besar bagi mahasiswa BINUS Business School untuk mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi lulusan yang unggul dari sekolah bisnis kelas dunia.” tutur Direktur BINUS Global, Diah Wihardini, B.Sc.(hons)., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Dengan pencapaian dalam QS Global MBA Rankings 2022, BINUS Business School akan menjadikannya sebagai acuan untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang membuka ruang bagi seluruh sivitas akademika untuk berinovasi dalam berkarya.

“Melalui perolehan peringkat di QS 2022 MBA Global Rangkings, harapannya hal ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi BINUS Business School untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang membuka ruang bagi seluruh sivitas akademika untuk berinovasi dalam berkarya.” pungkas Rektor BINUS UNIVERSITY, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M. (**)