IBeX Talk Show by BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL – International Undergraduate Program: Managing a Global Virtual Working Environment

BINUS International Undergraduate Program, which was founded in 2001, has created a wide range of excellent programs to meet new problems in the worldwide industry of the twenty-first century. The majority of the programs are designed in collaboration with top-class universities from across the world.
The BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL–International Undergraduate Program (BBS-IUP) itself is a business program started by Binus International which is comprised of two main faculties; namely International Business and Business Management and Marketing.
In terms of their aspirations, Binus Business School IUP provides its students with a plethora of possibilities both inside and outside of the classroom. Binus introduced a new brand in 2017 to support its 2035 goal of “Fostering and Empowering an International Business Environment via Managing International Teams”. Read below to know more about the IBeX talk show series, their latest grand program covering the challenges in managing a global virtual working environment back in July.
Introducing the IBeX Talk Show 2021
The 2021 IBeX Talk Show is one of Binus International Business School’s initiatives to broaden its students’ horizons in terms of international careers. Binus seeks to harness the trend of a worldwide company that focuses on the empowerment and education of its stakeholders by utilizing an effective learning experience that incorporates technology, entrepreneurship, and high-impact research.
Inviting two prominent figures, namely Mr. Teuku Zulkaryadi, MM, CHRP, CSEP, who is the Head of Information, Planning, and Human Resources Development in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and Dr. Craig Selby, the Managing Director of Orchan Consulting Asia, IBeX delved into the topics of managing people in an international environment, especially during the times of the COVID-19 pandemic where everything occurs through online communication channels.
Differences between a Virtual and On-Site Working Environment
The pandemic has altered multiple ways in how we work. It starts from the condition where we see each other every day, shake hands and hug other people without worry, to where we’re forced to be online and communicate with each other from Zoom calls, Slack, and other methods of online communication. Dr. Craig Selby, however, revealed that the main difference between virtual and on-site working environments lies in the frequency of using phones during working hours. Additionally, he also mentioned the challenges small businesses must undergo due to the stark differences between the two working environments.
Selby also shared how a virtual working environment also comes with its own challenges, the most futile one namely Internet connections. Additionally, global virtual teams may be more difficult to establish and manage than traditional teams. Bringing individuals from various cultures together on a similar platform and getting them to cooperate on a project is not always simple. On the other hand, a virtual working environment has its own benefits as well, such as efficiency and flexibility.
Here are some tips for managing a global virtual working environment.
Set an Effective Communication
There are a few methods for efficiently collaborating with your remote team. For example, while speaking with people, be straightforward and honest. Furthermore, keep the majority of communication asynchronous and use audio or video calls solely for crucial meetings and debates. Finally, when in doubt, ask precise and comprehensive questions to minimize misunderstandings caused by a lack of linguistic clues.
Do Team Bonding
Human connections may help remote employees feel like they are a part of the company through effective team bonding. Understanding your team members personally and fostering a sense of belonging can help to build a sense of trust and confidence among them, although you’re separated countries away.
Build Trust
This aids in the removal of communication obstacles and maintains the motivation of all parties concerned. Team members would face difficulties working together if they lack trust, which is the essence of virtual teams.
Through the IBeX talk show, BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL – International Undergraduate Program has proven itself to be an excellent college where its students aren’t only encouraged to excel within the class, but also to expand their horizons, global networks, and cross-cultural understanding. ** (KTS)