• Congratulations Sri Parwati and Yuani! for passing thesis defense this Monday, 7th March 2022

    March 7, 2022 yesterday marked the end of the studies of our fellow students, Yuani and Sri Parwati. The one…
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As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Founded in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools, and the largest business education network connecting students, educators, and businesses worldwide. AACSB International (AACSB) announces that BINUS Business School at Bina Nusantara University has earned accreditation.
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Welcome to BBS - MM Blended Learning

Flexibility, Interactive Learning Process


"Aplikasi belajar yang Mumpuni itu Tidak Mudah ditemukan ditempat lain" - Mr. Gaguk Dwi Prasetyo A.
"Semua orang bisa saja mengembangkan aplikasi seperti binusmaya, namun untuk bisa mengimplementasikan dengan baik ini perlu perjuangan, dan saya lihat Binus ini termasuk yang sukses mengembangkan serta mengimplementasikan aplikasi ini dengan baik." - Mr. Gaguk Dwi Prasetyo A. from Batch 24 https://youtu.be/WmD6zuHi270
"Aplikasi belajar yang Mumpuni itu Tidak Mudah ditemukan ditempat lain" - Mr. Gaguk Dwi Prasetyo A. View All


MOU Signing Between Bank SulutGo and BBS Master Program MM Blendedlearning – 11th Mei 2022 – Binus@Senayan

MOU Signing Between Bank SulutGo and BBS Master Program MM Blendedlearning – 11th Mei 2022 – Binus@Senayan

Considerations Prior Adoption of DT for PM

Considerations Prior Adoption of DT for PM

Talent Acq and Talent Pools to Leadership Readiness Mediated By POS

Talent Acq and Talent Pools to Leadership Readiness Mediated By POS


Classroom Acitivities In Strategic Management Class With Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah, Ph.D

Classroom Acitivities In Strategic Management Class With Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah, Ph.D

Classroom Activity in Design Thinking and Entrepreurship with Dr. Julbintor Kembaren

Classroom Activity in Design Thinking and Entrepreurship with Dr. Julbintor Kembaren

Ethics and Social Awareness Project Assignment from Batch 23 Class LOP

Ethics and Social Awareness Project Assignment from Batch 23 Class LOP


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JWC Campus
BINUS Higher Education

Jalan Hang Lekir 1
No. 6 Senayan
Jakarta 10270


The Effect of Ad Content and Ad Length on Consumer Response towards Online Video Advertisement

Artificial Intelligence for a Better Employee Engagement

The Effect Of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Risk And Technology Readiness On Intention To Use E-Banking In Jakarta

Flexible Working Arrangement, Stress, Worklife Balance And Motivation: Evidence From Postgraduate Students As Worker

Effects of Social Media Marketing Activities Toward Purchase Intention Healthy Food in Indonesia

Human Capital Management Policy Effect on Employee Performance

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Anita  Maharani Anita  Maharani

Anita Maharani

Artha Sejati Ananda Artha Sejati Ananda

Artha Sejati Ananda

Dewi  Tamara Dewi  Tamara

Dewi Tamara

Pantri  Heriyati Pantri  Heriyati

Pantri Heriyati

Primidya Miranda Kartika Soesilo Primidya Miranda Kartika Soesilo

Primidya Miranda Kartika Soesilo

Tengku Mohd Khairal

Tengku Mohd Khairal

Toto  Rusmanto Toto  Rusmanto

Toto Rusmanto

Willy  Gunadi Willy  Gunadi

Willy Gunadi

Yanthi  Hutagaol Yanthi  Hutagaol

Yanthi Hutagaol

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