Turning Hobbies into a Business

Did you know that these days there are many hobbies you can turn into a business? A simple hobby like photography can make you money as long as you analyze it thoroughly. Not to mention that it’s fun to have a job that suits your hobby. So, what hobbies can you turn into a serious business that’s promising in the future?
Do you like photography and have a special skill at photo editing? You can turn this into a business. Let’s say you’re very skilled at taking pictures from interesting angles, you can perfect your photos with your editing skills. Show them to your friends and families. If they love them, consider uploading your photos to online websites that sell shots from photographers around the world. Try Shutterstock, Getty Images, iStock Photo, 123rf, and Fotolia.
To keep producing great photos, you need to keep upgrading your photography and editing skills. Before uploading photos to certain website, make sure to read all of the terms and conditions. Most photography websites usually give 60% to 85% worth of royalties if people are purchasing your photos. And you’ll receive your payment in dollars!
Makeup Artist
More and more people are looking for a makeup artist to help them look more presentable for important occasions. What’s interesting is that not all popular MUAs come from an educational background in the beauty industry. Starting from a hobby, they successfully turned it into a business. So, if you’re confident with your makeup skills, try offering your services to become an MUA. For starters, you can upload photos of your makeup creations to social media. Once you’ve gained your market, you can start your business as a makeup artist.
These days many millennials are opening their businesses related to cuisine. Some of them open a catering business, some sell snacks, and some are providing home-made cakes for birthdays. These businesses may seem different, but they all started from trying recipes they found on the internet. This shows how you can turn your cooking hobby into a profitable business.
As an example, let’s say you love foods and like to try out various recipes you find on the internet. Pick a few dishes you like the most, be it a squid petai or balado prawns, then practice your skills in cooking them. Find out what is the best ingredients composition to cook the most delicious foods. After that, you can open a pre-order of those two dishes on social media.
Marini Putri Habibie, one of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL’s Master’s program in Creative Marketing alumni has a successful culinary business. She started from her cooking hobby since the fourth grade, today Putri Habibie can make millions of Rupiah per month.
She once opened a cake business named Lady Bake Cooking Class. This business started when she joined in a cake cooking class to improve her skills. Unfortunately, there were no classes that matched her schedule. Putri then decided to open her cooking class, both for individuals and groups. Her first client was her friend. Thanks to her tenacity, now Putri’s cooking class is quite popular. She even gave cooking classes to Raisa, Aurel, Ashanty, and Natasha Rizky among other artists.
You can also turn writing into a business. If you like writing, collect some of your best pieces, compile them, and send them to a publisher. Try sending them to small publishers at first. If you succeed, you can always write again and send it to a bigger publisher. As an alternative, you can also try writing as a freelancer, be it a copywriter or a content writer. Join a website of freelance writers and expand your network. You can start making money here.
Fashion Designer/Illustrator
Fashion designers or fashion illustrator Do you have special skills in fashion design? You can turn it into a professional job in the future. Fashion designer and fashion illustrator are two professions in the fashion industry that have a promising future. You can be a popular designer or illustrator with a high level of income if people like your creations. The key is to follow fashion trends and determine your market. This will help you design clothes that are suitable and relatable for today’s market.
If you want to turn your hobby into a business, the key is to be confident, improve your skills, and come up with innovations. You can always upgrade your skills by learning and practicing. It’s also better if you have an educational background that goes well with your hobby. Enroll in the Master of Management program by BINUS Business School. You can choose between MM in Creative Marketing, MM in Business Management, and MM in Strategic Management. Take your hobby seriously and turn it into a profitable business!