BINUS Business School

The Benefits of Mental Health for a Career and How to Build It

The increasingly competitive world often measures career success by technical and soft skills. However, one important aspect that is often overlooked is mental health. A healthy mindset is a key factor in achieving career success.

Good mental health allows you to function at your best. Thus, you can face challenges in the workplace with calmness. Interacting with others will be more effective. So, how can you achieve optimal mental health at work?

Benefits of Good Mental Health for a Career:

  1. Significant Increase in Productivity: Good mental health can enhance your concentration, perseverance, and creativity, all of which are keys to productivity in the workplace. When you possess all three, the likelihood of focusing on tasks effectively increases. This can significantly reduce the time you spend completing tasks because your concentration will be fully formed.
  2. Create a Good Work Environment and Culture: Good mental health in individuals contributes to a positive work environment. When you are in a good mental state, you tend to have a positive attitude towards your surroundings. This energy can spread to colleagues, creating a more harmonious and productive work atmosphere.
  3. Reduce Excessive Stress Levels: Good mental health plays a role in stress management. When someone’s mental health is good, stress levels can be balanced. With the ability to face pressure and challenges without excessive stress, you can maintain optimal performance and avoid fatigue or burnout.
  4. Strengthen Relationships with Colleagues: Having good mental health also allows you to build and maintain healthy relationships with colleagues. As mentioned in the previous point, a positive mindset and attitude can be contagious. Therefore, effective communication, empathy, and teamwork skills can improve when you are in a good mental state.

Building Mental Health at Work:

Achieving good mental health to build a productive work environment is achievable. You can apply some of the following steps:

  1. Get Enough Rest: The first way to achieve good mental health is by getting enough quality sleep. Adequate rest helps your mind and body recover from daily fatigue, allowing your energy and focus to be renewed. For adults, try to allocate 6 to 7 hours for quality sleep.
  2. Make Time for Hobbies: The next way is to dedicate time to activities you enjoy. Engage in hobbies such as drawing, exercising, or writing to reduce stress and improve your Hobbies provide a way to take a break from work routines and replenish your mental energy.
  3. Know Your Limits: Knowing when to say “no” is also crucial. Being a “Yes Man” or a “Yes Woman” can lead to more responsibilities than can be managed, often resulting in burnout. Therefore, recognizing and respecting your own limits is the best way to prevent fatigue.
  4. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle should not be overlooked, such as maintaining a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding bad habits. Implementing these examples can make your body function better, which will affect your mental condition. As the saying goes, “In a healthy body, there is a strong soul.”
  5. Maintain Communication with Loved Ones: Maintaining good relationships with family, friends, and colleagues can be another way to gain important emotional support. Sharing your feelings and experiences with trusted individuals can help alleviate stress and improve your well-being. So, keep in touch with them!

Maintaining your mental health turns out to be an important investment in your career, isn’t it? By upholding your mental health, you open the door to higher productivity, a better work environment, strong relationships with colleagues, and the ability to manage stress more effectively. Good mental health is the foundation for a successful and satisfying career. So, try the five methods above!

