Building A Positive Personal Brand for Business and Career Like Amanda Nurani

Your personal brand is the reflection of your business or career. Those are the words that Amanda Nurani, the Business Owner of Tahu Go! Fatmawati and Kopi Hari Ini Fatmawati, who’s also a BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL MM in Business Management alumna, believes in.
Personal branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. It is an ongoing process of developing and maintaining a reputation and impression of an individual, group, or organization. Whereas some self-help practices focus on self-improvement, personal branding defines success as a form of self-packaging.
During the Appreciation Day for BINUSIAN by BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL that was held on Saturday, 8 February 2020, at BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan, Amanda said that the two keys to craft a personal brand are to be yourself and consistency. However, before that, you need to know and understand yourself first. Then you can show yourself as you are and do it consistently.
As a business owner or a professional, how you do your business or do your work in the workplace will result in your own personal brand. Therefore, you should act positively and do your best because no matter how you mold your outer appearance and image, it is what you’ve truly done that really matters.
Amanda took herself and her business, Tahu Go! Fatmawati, as an example. In doing business, Amanda always tries to serve the best product, treat the customers well, and give a warm and satisfying experience. She also always maintains the quality even though the demand is huge. By doing those things, people can appraise themselves, spread the word, and shape as well as strengthen her own personal and business brand.
Amanda also hopes that the Indonesian young generation can be more confident to start their business and commit to building a positive brand – including the personal brand. “Commit to your business, build a positive brand, and then we can attract the people,” she said.