Dr. Marko S Hermawan receives a CPMA certification
Dr. Marko S Hermawan, Head of International Business Program, BINUS Business School receives a CPMA certification
The profession of management accountant is one of the important forms that improves higher corporate performance in accordance with the standards set in the real work. A qualified management accountant is required to have adequate knowledge, skills and attitude within related fields. The Certified Professional Management Accountant Exam (CPMA Exam) is one of the best practices to measure talents in the field of management accounting, corporate governance, risk management, and business perspective. This is one also one of the prestigious certification held by the Indonesian Institute of Management Accountant (IAMI).
Dr. Marko S. Hermawan is one of the graduate who passes the CPMA exam amongst the 28 candidates. He has fulfilled the requirement to pass the following exams: Business Fundamental, Management Accounting and Financial Report, Strategic Management, and Corporate Governance and Risk Management. He is now entitled to use CPMA title in his designation.
The graduation ceremony was held on Thursday, 30 August 2018, in the Notohamiprodjo Hall, the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta. On this occasion, the event was also including a seminar entitled “Transformation of Management Accountants in the Face of Digital Economy”. The seminar was delivered by Mr. Indra Utoyo as Director of Information Technology and Operations of PT. BRI Bank, Tbk and Mr. Anthony Kosasih, co-founder of Jurnal.id, who share experiences in the digital world that have an impact on the accounting process.
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