Benyamin Suwitorahardjo is an experienced educator and consultant with expertise in business strategy, internal auditing, and risk management. He has taught courses in corporate strategy and multinational corporation management and has conducted research on various topics related to entrepreneurship, including the factors that encourage millennials to become entrepreneurs in Jakarta. He has received funding from BINUS for his research projects, which involve collaboration with other researchers, such as Novita and Indra Adiputra. In 2017, he also studied the influence of self-confidence, education, and family environment on the entrepreneurial interest of young people in Tangerang Selatan.
Benyamin Suwitorahardjo has two published journal articles. The first article, titled “A Comparative Analysis of Whistleblowers Protection in Indonesia and United States of America,” was published in 2016 in the Humaniora journal by BINUS University. The second article, titled “The Effect of Self Confidence, Quality Education and Family Environment on Indonesian Youth in Entrepreneurship,” was published in 2017 in the Social Economics and Ecology International Journal (SEEIJ) by Comdev Academic – Binus. The second article was written by Benyamin Suwitorahardjo, Novita, Damar Aji Irawan, S.Hum., M.Sc, and Dewi Stefani Sari.
- Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Tarumanegara University (1994)
- Master’s degree in Business Administration from STIE Trianandra (Oxford Group) (2004)
- Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from The Institute of Internal Auditors, Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA (2015)
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) (2019)
- Certified Tax Consultant (BKP) from the Tax Consultant Certification Committee (KPPI) (2019)
- Certification in Audit Committee Practices (CACP) from the Indonesian Institute of Audit Committee (iKAi) (2022)