Minor Description

The Data Analytics minor program provides insight into acquisitions and analysis of data in organizations by using critical thinking from multiple strategic perspectives, including consumer behaviour communicated through visualizations/models that can support retrieval decisions.

Career Options

Data Analyst, Marketing Analyst

Features and Uniqueness

Have basic knowledge of Acquisition and analysis data, Predict consumer behaviour patterns and Design a data model/visualization for retrieval decisions.

Differences in the learning process (if any), for example, Creative Class, Smart Class, etc

The Data Analytics minor program uses a combination of models interactive learning using case-based learning and continuous project based on best practice companies that can improve students’ understanding related to the implementation of data analysis.

Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives
Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to explain market behavior to predict strategic decision (L.Obj 1.1) Able to describe current market situation
(L. Obj 1.2) Able to explain strategic decision based on current market situation
(SO 2) Able to analyze business data to make an effective market prediction using data analytic tools (L. Obj 2.1) Able to use Data Analytic tools
(L. Obj 2.2) Able to analyze output data for business prediction

Students must take all fundamental courses to pass the minor program:

Group Course SCU


ISYS6680003 Introduction to Data Analytics 2
ISYS6681003 Data Management & Descriptive Analytics 4
STAT6198049 Statistical for Decision Making 4
Total SCU 10


Course Code


Course Name




Course Owner Dept.

Lobj 1.1 Lobj 1.2 Lobj 2.1 Lobj 2.2
ISYS6680003 Introduction to Data Analytics 2 Information Systems xx xx
ISYS6681003 Data Management & Descriptive Analytics 4 Information Systems x xx
STAT6198049 Statistical for Decision Making 4 Statistic xx x