

Degree             : Bachelor (S1)
Faculty/School : Binus Business School Undergraduate Program
Study Program : Management
Program : International Business Management
Binusian : 2028
Curriculum            : 2022



Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6013005    Character Building: Pancasila 2
MKK ISYS6181005      Management Information Systems for Leader 4
MKK ACCT6351005    Accounting for Business 4
MKK ECON6099005    Business Economics 4
MKK MGMT6011005   Introduction to Management and Business* 4
MKB LANG6027005    Indonesian 2
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 20

Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details.

*) This course is delivered in English



Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6014005   Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2
MKK MATH6176005   Business Mathematics 2
MKK STAT6206005    Business Statistics I 2
MKK MKTG6318005   Marketing Management*&** 4
MKK BUSS6190005    International Business*&**&*** 2
MKB BUSS6171005    Business Sustainability** 4
MKB ENTR6509005    Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2
MKK BUSS6066005    Business Ethics** 2
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 40

Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details.

*) This course is delivered in English

**) Global Learning System course

***) Transferred course from training program at EITC/PPEI (Export Import Training Center/ Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ekspor Indonesia)



Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6015005    Character Building: Agama 2
MKB STAT6207005     Business Statistics II 2/2
MKK MGMT6297005   Operations Management** 4
MKK BUSS6221005    International Trade*,**&*** 2
MKK FINC6001005      Financial Management 4
MKB ENTR6510005    Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
MKK MGMT6012005   Human Resources Management 4
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 22
Cumulative SCU 62

Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail

*) This course is delivered in English

**) Global Learning System Course

***) Transferred course from training program at EITC/PPEI (Export Import Training Center/ Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ekspor Indonesia)



Group Course SCU
MKB ENTR6511005     Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2
MKB MGMT6370005    E-Business for International Business*&** 2
MKB BUSS6162005     Market Entry Strategy*&**&*** 2
MKB MGMT6369005    Corporate Strategy in International Business*&** 2
MKK BUSS6191005     Export-Import Management*&**&*** 2
MKB BUSS6222005     Export-Import Cost Management*&**&*** 2
MKB MGMT6458005    Global Supply Chain Management*&**&*** 2
MKB RSCH6629005    Research Methodology for International Business 4
MKB Foreign Language Courses 0
Total SCU 18
Cumulative SCU 80

Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the detail

*) This course is delivered in English

**) Global Learning System Course

***) Transferred course from training program at EITC/PPEI (Export Import Training Center/ Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ekspor Indonesia)


SEMESTER 5                                                                                             

Group Course SCU
MKK MGMT6357005   Multinational Corporation Management 4
MKB BUSS6223005    Trade in Asia 2
MKB BUSS6224005    Special Topics in International Business 4
MKB Free Electives 10
MKB Minor Program 10
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 100

*) This course is delivered in English

**) Global Learning System Course

***) Transferred course from training program at EITC/PPEI (Export Import Training Center/ Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ekspor Indonesia)

For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.



Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program I 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 120

Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail


SEMESTER 7                                                                                                          

Group Course SCU
MKB Enrichment Program II 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 140

Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail



Group Course SCU
MKB MGMT6406005   Pre-Thesis 2
MKB MGMT6414005   Thesis 4
MKB MGMT6044005   Thesis 6
Total SCU 6
Cumulative SCU 146


Notes : (Information for group table)

MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Ketrampilan (Science and Skill Course)

MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (Creative Expertise Course)

MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Personality Development Course)

MPB = Mata kuliah Perilaku Berkarya (Creative Behavior Course)

MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (Social Living Course)