Organizational Culture
The world is changing rapidly and the level of employee expectation and satisfaction also change accordingly. Organizational culture adapts overtime to cope up with such dynamic changes and meet the varying demand of employee expectations and satisfactions. Therefore a supportive culture as pointed out by Ritchie (2000) is considered as a motivational instrument which promotes the employees to perform smoothly and ensures better productivity (Ritchie, 2000).
Organizational culture is conceptualized as shared beliefs and values within the organization that helps to shape the behavior patterns of employees (Kotter and Heskett, 1992).
Gordon and Cummins (1979) define organization culture as the drive that recognizes the efforts and contributions of the organizational members and provides holistic understanding of what and how is to be achieved, how goals are interrelated, and how each employee could attain goals.
Hosftede (1980: 25) summarizes organization culture as collective process of the mind that differentiates the members of one group from the other one. Thus the above concept asserts that organizational culture could be the means of keeping employees in line and exhilarating them towards organizational objectives.
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