Written by: Dony Saputra

In developing or advancing Business or Corporation, Business Process Modelling is important to see how we operate our business. But rapid change of technology, create business model look like the direct or close , example: Shopee and Tokopedia for marketplace or Gojek with Grab for online transportation. There is small number of different business model and more business model will lookalike each other, so what kind of business model that we need to develop?
How about doing the business model innovation, not following the usual business model but reinventing how organization capture value, create value and deliver the value.
It’s a great article and figure showed by gary fox to elaborate more Felix Hoffman Business model innovation Framework.

Hofmann BMI
Hofmann BMI
BMI Garry Fox


The article showed BMI start form Defining your customer segment by Who question, What do you offer to the customer(Value Proposition), How is the value proposition create (Operating Model) and Why is it Profitable (Revenue Model). As line between What and how is value creation by knowing your value proposition compare to competitor and how your business run it will create your business value. Line between what and why is capturing your value where value proposition differentiate your business and revenue model show the reason it is profitable for you. Last is line between why and how where your operating model will deliver value to your revenue mode.

Source: https://fourweekmba.com/business-model-innovation-felix-hofmann/

Business Model Innovation: 7 Steps To Master BM Innovation