S-O-R model


S-O-R represents Stimulus, Organism, Response. This theory based on psychology explains that,stimulus is the impulse that contains statement. Organismwhich means an individual, and responseas the effects, reactions, responses, and answers. This theory explains that a statement was delivered to the individual should meet the needs of the individual either material or non-material. The material intended is clothing, food, and shelter. Whereas, the non-material includes a sense of security, wants to be noticed and appreciated (Gao& Bai, 2014).

Gao & Bai (2014) infer that stimulus operates as something that affect the action of individuals. Organismis the cognitive assessment of individuals based on individual experience in the online world. It is delivered in a form of flow. Where flow is a psychological state that changes with the existence of certain situations and is influenced by the individual interaction of the situation. According to the Floh&Madlberger (2013) online website with an attractive design to delight their consumers successfully, and directly provide an exciting shopping experience to its customers, which can be referred to as the flow experience.So, in the research that will be done, flowworks as an organism that is affected by the stimulus variables, such as the adequacy of the information provided on the website, whether the information provided is effective enough and helpful (Prashar, Vijay, &Parsad, 2017), design of the website quite entertaining, and the transaction that can be trusted offered by the website. Those things will work as a stimulus, then affect the organismand will generate aresponsethat will show the purchase intention and consumer satisfaction when they were doing the transaction.

The process of change is the same as with the learning process. It can be illustrated that stimulusreceived by the organism may be rejected or accepted. When rejected, it means that the stimulus did not effectively influence individual as organism here. Otherwise, when accepted then the stimulus is effectively influencing individuals. When the individual receives a stimulus given then the individual gives attention and understand, so it can be forwarded to the next process. In the next process, individuals are willing to act or to give a reaction to the stimulusthat has been received. Then with the support of the facilities owned by the individual, the existing stimulus has the effect of the response of the individual which means changes in the behavior and intentions of the individual. It can be explained that the impulses of the stimuluscan affect the emotional state of the individual that will also change the urge.