By: Selly Novela


Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees. The bees collect the sugar-rich nectar of flowers, then inside the beehive, they repeatedly consume, digest and regurgitate the nectar. The smell, color and taste of honey depend on the types of flowers the bees visit. Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose. It contains virtually no fiber, fat or protein. It also contains trace amounts (under 1% of RDA) of several vitamins and minerals, but you would have to eat many pounds to fulfill your daily requirements. Where honey shine is in its content of bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants. Darker types tend to be even higher in these compounds than lighter types. High-quality honey contains many important antioxidants. These includes phenols, enzymes and compounds like flavonoids and organic acids. Scientists believe that it is the combination of these compounds that gives honey its antioxidant power. Interestingly, two studies have shown that buckwheat honey increases the antioxidant value of the blood. Antioxidants have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. They may also promote eye health too.

Again, honey is a rich source of phenols and other antioxidant compounds. Many of these have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. They may help the arteries in the heart dilate, increasing blood flow to the heart. They may also help prevent the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, one study in rats showed that honey protected the heart from oxidative stress. Honey can also affect sleep and quality of life, for both the children and their parents. However, mainstream medications for cough are not always effective and can have side effects. Interestingly, honey may be a better choice. The evidence shows that it is very effective. One study found that it worked even better than two common cough medications. Another study found that it reduced cough symptoms and improved sleep even more than cough medication. Nevertheless, it should never be given to children under 1 year of age, due to the risk for botulism. Honey is a delicious, healthier alternative to sugar. Make sure to choose a high-quality brand, because some of the lower-quality ones may be adulterated with syrup. Keep in mind that it should only be consumed in moderation, as it is still high in calories and sugar. The benefits of honey are most pronounced when it is replacing another unhealthier sweetener. At the end of the day, honey is simply a “less bad” sweetener than sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
Beside the health-related reasons, there are a lot of countries that import honey in a large scale. The high demand of honey is an opportunity for our business to be expanded abroad.

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According to the data above, those are the top 10 importer countries of natural honey, there are Germany and France as the new target market due to the amount of quantity, value and other reasons.



            German consumers are accustomed to purchasing via catalogue and are increasingly more receptive to shopping on Internet platforms. Price and quality are considered the most important factors guiding decision-making. The German consumer shows a strong propensity to compare prices and patronize discount stores. He or she is very aware of special offers, and readily goes to different shops in order to get better prices Strict criteria, which vary depending on the type of good being purchased, are utilized by the consumer to make his or her selection. For consumer durables, the criteria are, in order: safety and quality, prestige, comfort, convenience and price. For everyday goods, the determining factor is price. For professional capital goods, a focus on safety ensures that the selection will be based on quality, reliability and the supplier’s follow up and after sales service. Price is not one of the dominant criteria for this type of product. For minor equipment or industrial supplies, however, price is of much greater concern.


Traditionally, price has been an essential element in the buying process of French consumers. However, quality is becoming increasingly important as a growing number of French consumers tends to favor products with a quality label or brand. The quality of after-sales service is also a decisive element in choosing where to buy. French consumers prefer neat and tightly packaged products that are creative and eye-catching. France, with its ageing population, is a country in which buying most often equals pleasure. France is famous for its high consumption of leisure and cultural products and gifts. The French consumer is relatively affluent and impulsive, makes frequent purchases and likes to try new and innovative products. As regard foodstuffs, the French are more likely to buy domestic products and are increasingly concerned about the environment and their health (booming organic products).

Political If an individual is subject to German tax, generally most sources of income are then taxable. The Lohnsteuer (wage tax), which alone accounts for a third of the German government’s revenue, is withheld at source from compensation. Income from other sources (e. g. self-employment, fees for services, rent collections, investments and the like) are covered by the Einkommensteuer (income tax).
  • France did not have a wise leaders who could feel for them and bring the country on the road of development without any fear of going bankrupt
  • Have a wide gap between the rich and the poor
  • Have tight administrative control
  • Government debt has reached 90% of its GDP
Economy The German economy the 5th largest economy in the world and Europe’s largest. The economy follows free market principles with a significant degree of government regulation. Economic life in Germany is more international in nature than in most other major industrial nations. One in three euros in Germany is generated through exports; nearly one in four jobs depends on exports.

German cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Hanover hold the largest annual international trade fairs.

  • France did not face the same problem like the other European countries when the world recession happened. But still, does not mean the economy is doing well. Deficits have been mounting over the years
  • Tax rate 40% higher on business community as compared to the rest of the world
Social Germany is the most populous country of EU. The population is well educated with modern and cosmopolitan views. There is fair amount of plurality in the lifestyles and diversity in the cultures. The society is molded by a variety of lifestyles. The business culture in Germany is unique in the world. The engineers and managers are given high appreciation than accountants and lawyers. Hierarchy is prominent in almost every organization and most of the power is vested in the hands of top level senior managers. The roles and responsibilities are strictly defined and the business processes are very well defined. This may result in individualistic attitudes among the professionals. People tend to be less social in the working environment. Teamwork could probably be best described as a group of individuals working to a specific leader towards a recognizable goal. Persons employed in Germany (second quarter 2010): 40.3 million.
  • Income and social class disparity and formation of permanent underclass.
  • Rising of crime rate by the youth


Legal Government regulation by virtue of its complexity may offer a degree of protection to established local suppliers. Safety or environmental standards, not inherently discriminatory but sometimes zealously applied, can complicate access to the market for U.S. products. American companies interested in exporting to Germany should make sure they know which standards apply to their product and obtain timely testing and certification. EU-wide standards are often based on existing German standards. The national police take care of local crime control and come under interior ministry.
Technology The most successful market entrants are those that offer innovative products featuring high quality and modern styling. Germans are responsive to innovative high-tech U.S. products, such as computers, computer software, electronic components, health care and medical devices, synthetic materials, and automotive technology. Germany possesses one of the highest Internet access rates in the EU and multi-media, high-tech and service areas offer great potential. Certain agricultural products also represent good export prospects for U.S. producers. In many cases, price is not necessarily the determining factor for German buyers, but quality.
  • France is the leader of nuclear technology
  • Train young scientists who could establish the technological supremacy of France in the world
Environment Germany is a very advanced country. It is spending a lot of money on research and development. Their culture gives emphasizes in music, literature, art and sports. But, they still value family the most. Germany is beautiful. It is very peaceful nation, especially to conduct business. The people are educated and the living standard is high. Germany is a great country,and still has potential to grow.
  • Going to face water crisis
  • Will face scarcity of clean water
  • Experienced acid rain
  • Protecting endangered species


Due to the factors stated above, the conclusion goes to Germany as the right destination country of exporting honey.