On July 2nd to September 20th 2014, during semester break 20 students Of Binus University -International Business Management Program had followed professional training in export import management, Title “Manajemen Ekspor Impor Simulasi plus Observasi”. This training were held in Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Export Import Dirjen pengembangan ekspor nasional (DJPEN) – Indonesia Ministry of Trade.

In this training they learned from professional export practitioner and government official in the area of export import. Their activities in this training are export import case study, document filling exercise, role play, industrial visit to export Import Company and export import simulation.


This training gave them more industrial oriented practice on export import directly from the practitioner combine with theoretical knowledge from PPEI as a government certified export import training body. At the end of this training they are required to make paper about their observatories export import and presented in front of the class.