Globalization and its effect

When we talk about Globalization, it means (to the customer) that they have more choices, low prices and an increasingly blurred national identity for products and services. And for the seller, globalization means: an open-market worldwide to distribute products and providing and offering all over the world. And when we talk about who take an advantage and benefits from globalization, it has its winners and losers and its allegedly comes at the cost of poorer nation.

Globalization has its power for the monopoly power system. It has much complaints that it will deprive nations with their sovereignty. Globalization has also increasing the complaints for the environment. Environmentalist cite firms that relocate their operation solely for reason of escaping tough pollution rules in their home country. Globalization has also something to do with the social effect. Globalization carries both promises and threats and has both winners and losers at the national, regional, organizational, and individual level.