In House Training
Find the right program to fit your level of experience, interests, and schedule through our Executive Education Program
Customized Program
More than 10 custom programs delivered all across Indonesia in every year. We ensure every clients’ specific objectives and competencies are tailored perfectly based on our proven methodology.
During these year, we rolled the high demand program that prepare you to take greater responsibility of a strong leadership to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing, complex and boundary-less world.
As the ASEAN community moves towards greater integration, the war for talent will be escalated. Finding leaders who are up to the task has proven challenging for many companies. And more complexity will come with the creation of the ASEAN Economic Community. It will establish free movement of talent across the region — and further intensify competition among ASEAN businesses to attract the best leaders.
Tailoring an approach to leadership development that capitalizes on the region’s opportunities and potential will require understanding the ASEAN region’s special challenges.
BINUS Executive Education can fill some of these gaps with executives sharing, local talent leaders or even top-level business leaders in multi-national companies about developing business executives with effective leadership qualities.
Each companies operating in Southeast Asia must do their part to find the most promising emerging leaders and prepare them to make the most of their potential, join us now, not later !
Various Training Methods
Interactive Lecturing
Lecturing takes place to provide information in a huge amount to a lot of people in a short amount of time. One that differ our lecturing process from others is we frequently interact with participants. Interactions help participants to form new ideas from new information, previous experiences and personal opinions.
Sharing and Group Discussion
Discussion helps to develop better understandings of concepts or ideas. It also enables every participant to voice different ideas and bounce them off one another. Participants also have chances to improve their listening skill and how they propose opinions.
Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion across. This method helps participants to improve how they should present ideas or data in front of others and how they respond to questions and comments.
Case Study
Using problem-based learning, this method provides trainees with a chance to analyze and discuss real workplace issues. They develop analytical and problem-solving skills, and provide practical illustrations of principle or theory. They can also build a strong sense of teamwork as teams struggle together to make sense of a case.
Role Playing
Role playing allows employees to act out issues that could occur in the workplace. Key skills often touched upon are negotiating and teamwork. Role playing can be effective in connecting theory and practice.
Management Games
Management games simulate real-life issues faced in the workplace. They attract all types of participants including active, practical and reflective ones. One of the examples is board games that simulate a business situation.
Outdoor Training
A nice break from regular classroom training, the usual purpose of outdoor training is to develop teamwork skills. Outgoing and active participants may get the most out of this form of training.
Coaching/mentoring gives participants a chance to receive training one-on-one from an experienced professional. This usually takes place after another more formal process has taken place to expand on what participants have already learned. Coaching/mentoring gives participants the chance to ask questions and receive thorough and honest answers – something they might not receive in a classroom with a group of people.