Guidelines for successfully using the learning tool

Share responsibility for reading instructions to the group
The learning tool is designed for individuals to take turns reading the instructions out loud to the group. At least one member of the group should be selected to take this responsibility.
Listen to the instructions and work as a group
During the learning you will only interact with members of your group. For this reason the programme will not be successful if participants work independently or one member of the group acts as a leader in making decisions.
Manage your timing
Timing for activities has been provided in your learning guide. Because key learning comes from sharing insights, knowledge, and experience with others, groups have the freedom to adjust timing for activities. However, you cannot exceed the total time allocated for the module. It may help to select one member of the group for each module to monitor timing.
Be active
The ability to communicate with others, to reflect on learning and engage challenges through critical thinking, are some of the most important skills for success. Be active and contribute to group activities and discussion, to have the most learning experience.
Evaluate your learning and the module
A survey to be completed before and after the module will assembly data to better understand what participants learn from the module. These are important for maintaining the quality of the training and qualify participants for certification of the achievement in completing the module.
Copyright © International Labour Organization 2017