Professor Lim Sanny’s Inauguration

Professor Dr. Lim Sanny, S.T., M.M. is a very humble person when it comes to communicating with colleague, student and even staff at Bina Nusantara. She is a very likeable person. Professor Lim starts her education in 1998 at Tarumanagara University. And continue her education to master degree in 2002 at Institut Pertanian Bogor, and soon after taking her doctoral degree at Bina Nusantara University in 2013.
On 16 march 2022, Professor Dr. Lim Sanny, S.T., M.M. legally confirmed as Great Teacher at Bina Nusantara University. This ceremonial event is live broadcasted at BINUS TV. The ceremony starts at 13.30 WIB. even though the ceremony is held offline at Binus Anggrek, a strict health protocol is applied, such as antigen swab before the attendee come inside the venue and a mandatory check-in with PeduliLindungi. And during the event, all guest must keep their mask on at any time. All this protocol In order to keep the safety off all guest.
The ceremony started with prayers in catholics and officially opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo. MM. he also gives an opening speech to congratulate Professor Dr. Lim Sanny, S.T., M.M.. and after the speech comes the letter of confirmation from Kemendikbudristek. The process of Professor Lim’s inauguration is done by Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo. MM.. and the help from Prof Lim Sanny’s husband, Tony Sutarso. And after the process of inauguration is complete, comes the photo session with all the senate member and Prof. Lim Sanny’s family member.
Professor Lim Sanny also deliver a speech about the Condition and Growth of UMKM in Indonesia. She believes that with the right support, with the right management UMKM in Indonesia will grow massively and help people’s economy in advance.
In the end of the ceremony, is filled with congratulation speech and introduction to the previously inaugurated great teacher, such as Prof. Fergiyanto E. Gunawan Dr. Eng., Prof. Ir. Made Suangga, M.T., D. Eng, Prof. Dr. Meyliana, S.Kom., M.M., CDMS, CBDMP., Prof.Toto Rusmanto, M.Comm, PhD., CAPM., CMA. And Prof. Dr. Sfenrianto, S.kom., M.Kom.
Once again congratulations to Professor Dr. Lim Sanny, S.T., M.M. for the inauguration for Great Teacher. Great year and future awaits.