Learn How Important and How to Invest from Sucor Asset Management

Jaga and Margareth, Speakers from Sucor Asset Management says learn how important and how to invest from Sucor Asset Management on event of Market Update at Binus Business School.
“the entry of foreign capital to invest Indonesian capital is one of the interesting things, then the capital market was established before, actually there was no official decision and then PT DANA REKSA emerged as the first BUMN to go public. and the establishment of a capital market implementing agency or BAPEPAM, which used to be called BAPEPAM, has now changed its name to OJK or financial prosecutor’s authority.” Said Jaga.
“Rule number.8 year 1995, there is a modernization called JATS or called the Jakarta automated trading system. before this JATS if investors want to see the price of 1 share they must come to the stock exchange.” Said jaga.
“I met a lot of people out there, when they were marketing and meeting directly they could not distinguish stock trading, forex trading and trading comodities. and if you go to the bank you will certainly offer mutual funds other than insurance because this bank is referred to as a mutual fund selling agent, so in addition to the mutual fund products that they sell are not from their original products but products from the capital market.”
“what makes the obstacle if we can’t reach our dreams? The first is that we have been working and living in dormitory for a long time but have no savings, money is spent to pay dorm, transport, and usually hangout. the second is expenditure that is greater than income, cannot be denied if the dorm in Jakarta has established the figure of 1.5 million rupiah, it is said to be cheap. But if in the downtown area like the Kuningan area and such a price of 1.5 million rupiahs there will be no more expenditure. third, a lot of debt and installments, lying if no one now has a credit card, because everyone must have. fourth, we often hear the word robbing petter to pay paul. and the last one is rare, but there are those who are trapped in the bogus investment, but now there are minimal investment because of the existence of financial literacy and inclusion.” Said Margarth to continue presentation from Jaga.
About Sucor Invest Asset Management
PT Sucorinvest Asset Management was established in 1997 and obtained a permit in 1999. We have been transformed into boutique asset management that serves customers who focus on investment objectives and appropriate risk profiles through extensive and unique investment capabilities for customers.
Since October 1, 2018, we have carried out a spin-off from our previous holding company – PT Sucor Securities. This spin-off process shows that we are becoming more independent and independent, especially in terms of investment and marketing management.
By being highly committed to producing competitive returns to investors, we have grown by cooperating with major banks and other sales agents for the past 1 year. This collaboration has contributed significantly to the growth of our managed funds and turned our investor base into more of retail investors, so as to provide better stability for our portfolio.
In our journey, we have received various awards, both domestically and internationally.