When facing fast-moving challenges in the market, innovation is always necessary. No matter how big a business is, or how large the market share, a company needs to constantly innovate, including in product development and marketing strategy.
Since 1981, MODENA Indonesia has become one electronic equipments provider to support modern lifestyle. Having specialty in cooking, cleaning, and cooling products, MODENA continuously develops various products to become the best in the industry.
Consistency, either in service and product presentation, is the key for MODENA Indonesia to be the top household appliances provider. “We always maintain the Italian soul in every product,” said Mr. Robert Wijaya, the Customer Management Division Head of MODENA Indonesia.
Through consistency and continuous innovation, MODENA Indonesia can preserve its existence in the industry. MODENA Indonesia could also survive the monetary crisis in 1998, the crisis that forced many company to shutdown their businesses. “Unlike many other companies, MODENA Indonesia could even experience business growth in the middle of crisis,” he said.
Challenge for the Students: New Product Development and a Goal to Become the Market Leader
Being one of the most reputable household appliance providers in Indonesia, MODENA Indonesia perseveres with creating ideas to cope with today’s competitive market. As a company that has high reputation in cooking, cleaning, and cooling products, developing new product categories is one of endeavors in expanding business as well becoming the best household solutions for modern society.
MODENA opens research collaboration in the marketing field in association with MM in Creative Marketing program, where students are challenged to do some research on both upcoming and existing line of products.
BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL and MODENA Indonesia held a Marketing Lab for the New Product Development class on Friday, September 16th, 2016, at MODENA Experience Center, Jakarta. The Marketing Lab was started with a tour around MODENA Experience Center led by Radita D. Baskoro, the Talent Acquisition Assistant Manager of MODENA Indonesia, and Astri Purnamasari, the Organizational Development Manager of MODENA Indonesia.
The tour was followed by class session, attended by the students along with Ms. Ina Agustini Murwani, MM, MBA, the lecturer of New Product Development Class for BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL MM in Creative Marketing program and Mr. Peri Akbar Manaf, the SCC of Business Management. (ERON)