For every educational institution like BINUS, the capability to produce the best graduates surely is its own pride. Hence, BINUS held an Appreciation Dinner of the BINUS INTERNATIONAL, BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, and BINUS Northumbria School of Design 55th Graduation Best Graduates on Tuesday, November 29th, 2016, at the BINUS FX Campus, Senayan, Jakarta.
The pride towards the best graduates was expressed by Firdaus A. Alamsjah, Ph.D, the Executive Dean of BINUS INTERNATIONAL, in his welcoming speech. “For BINUS, our alumni are our products,” he said.
The best graduates who were invited to the Appreciation Dinner were Monesh Haresh (International Accounting and Finance), Evelyn Sun (International Business), Natalia Affandy (Marketing), Bella Indah Sanusi (Hospitality and Tourism Management), Michelle Devonna Saputra (Computer Science), Irvin (Business Information Systems), Zulfikar Ali (Business Information Systems), Ricky Ronaldo (Communications), Okky Permana Soedargo (Graphic Design and New Media), Marsya Indah Ramadhiani (Fashion Management), Vallery Wisanggeni Anom (MM Executive), Lidia Waty (MM Business Management), Elvi (Young Professional Business Management), Mercyana Novia (MM Business Management Online Program), Alvin Octavianus (Young Professional Creative Marketing), Ika Kusuma Adriani (MM Applied Finance), and Farahiya Musthofa (Business Information Systems).
Besides showing appreciation for the alumni with outstanding achievements, BINUS also invited them to foster and empower the society together in building and serving the nation. “In fostering and empowering the nation, BINUS can’t work alone. Therefore, we need the power of the alumni,” said Firdaus Alamsjah.
In the Appreciation Dinner of the BINUS INTERNATIONAL, BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, and BINUS Northumbria School of Design 55th Graduation Best Graduates, Irvandi Feriza, the HR Director of Maybank Indonesia, also shared his knowledge and experience in the Sharing Session. In the Sharing Session, Irvandi explained the importance of learning agility in this fast-changing world.
In the professional world, according to Irvandi, learning agility is crucial in facing changes, and also in shaping the way of thinking and logic. “BINUS itself has done an excellent job of ensuring that the educational and professional worlds match,” he added.
The Appreciation Dinner was closed with certificates of appreciation awarded to the best graduates with the highest GPAs, highest SAT (Student Activity Transcript) points, and special achievements.