Central Maintenance Spin-Off Creation towards Digitalization Focused on the Parent Company: A Case Study of Integrated Steel Corporation (ISC) in Indonesia
The role of technology capability in supporting firm performance in the high-tech manufacturing industry
Improving Competitive Advantages of Higher Education Institutions through IT Governance, IT Excellence, and IT Innovation: A Case Study in School of Informatics Management & Computing in Indonesia
Mediating Role of Organizational Change Readiness on Knowledge Management and Entrepreneurial Orientation for Innovation
Obtaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through Reputation Management: A Case of Private Universities in Indonesia
Behind the Rank: The Synthesis of a Causal Model of Variables Influencing Times Higher Education University Rankings
Uncovering Key Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Private Universities through Sentiment Analysis and In-Depth Interviews
An Empirical Study on the Effects of Financial Management Spirituality and Technology Adoption on Church Performance
The Effect of Digital Eco-Dynamic and RICH to Improve E-Business SMEs Innovation Performance