
The role of technology capability in supporting firm performance in the high-tech manufacturing industry

Improving Competitive Advantages of Higher Education Institutions through IT Governance, IT Excellence, and IT Innovation: A Case Study in School of Informatics Management & Computing in Indonesia

Behind the Rank: The Synthesis of a Causal Model of Variables Influencing Times Higher Education University Rankings

Uncovering Key Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Private Universities through Sentiment Analysis and In-Depth Interviews

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Financial Management Spirituality and Technology Adoption on Church Performance

The Effect of Digital Eco-Dynamic and RICH to Improve E-Business SMEs Innovation Performance

Does digital influencer endorsement contribute to building consumers’ attitude toward digital advertising during COVID-19 pandemic? mediating role of brand attitude

Networking Capability and Learning Capability as Determinants of Firm Performance Mediated by Business Model Innovation

The role of technology capability in supporting firm performance in the high-tech manufacturing industry

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