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Location Available in 1 Campus
  • BINUS @Bekasi
Length of Study 4 years
Academic Title S.E.


Business Management program equips students with knowledge and skills in management concepts, creative thinking, entrepreneurship, a global mindset, ethics, and digital & supply chain management. The uniqueness of this program lies in its focus on "Global Business Service Management, Supply Chain Management, and Retail Management." Service and supply chain management will become crucial competencies for future businesses, including developing integrated solutions for customer issues (service orientation), managing internal and external parties (supply chain), and utilizing the latest technology in the process (digital). The Business Management program provides students with a curriculum designed to address these challenges. The program holds international business school accreditation (AACSB) and the highest national accreditation, BAN-PT ‘UNGGUL’.
As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Founded in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools, and the largest business education network connecting students, educators, and businesses worldwide. AACSB International (AACSB) announces that BINUS Business School at Bina Nusantara University has earned accreditation.
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Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.



  • Kecerdasan Buatan dan Aplikasinya dalam Jasa Kesehatan: Sebuah Perspektif Manajamen Operasional dan Rantai Pasok

    Di era yang digital yang serba teknologi pada saat ini, teknologi seperti robot yang dapat membantu pekerjaan sehari-hari manusia bukan sekedar khayalan lagi. Mulai dari robot yang bisa membantu pekerjaan di kantor, mesin kopi otomatis, hingga chatbot yang bisa mengerti perasaan kita ketika sedih. Nah, hal-hal tersebut bisa diwujudkan karena munculnya AI sebagai penolong kita […]
    Kecerdasan Buatan dan Aplikasinya dalam Jasa Kesehatan: Sebuah Perspektif Manajamen Operasional dan Rantai Pasok
  • Capacity Planning dalam Manajemen Operasional: Strategi Penting untuk Efisiensi dan Keunggulan Kompetitif

    Dalam era digital ini, tiap perusahaan tentu memiliki berbagai prioritas yang harus diutamakan dalam manajemen operasionalnya. Nah, salah satu prioritas yang banyak perusahaan utamakan ialah proses perencanaan kapasitasnya. Apa sih maksudnya perencanaan kapasitas? Jadi, pada intinya perusahaan perlu memikirkan bagaimana caranya agar membuat kapasitas produksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar seefisien mungkin. Apabila perusahaan tidak memikirkan […]
    Capacity Planning dalam Manajemen Operasional: Strategi Penting untuk Efisiensi dan Keunggulan Kompetitif
  • Dari Sensor ke Blockchain: Inovasi Digital yang Membawa Revolusi Rantai Pasokan Ramah Lingkungan

    Bayangkan jika setiap produk yang Anda beli tidak hanya memberikan kepuasan sebagai barang berkualitas, tetapi juga turut menjaga kelestarian bumi. Di tengah krisis iklim dan kerusakan lingkungan yang semakin mendesak, konsep rantai pasokan hijau (green supply chain) muncul sebagai solusi dimana setiap tahap proses bisnis dari perancangan produk hingga pengelolaan limbah dirancang untuk mengurangi dampak […]
    Dari Sensor ke Blockchain: Inovasi Digital yang Membawa Revolusi Rantai Pasokan Ramah Lingkungan


  • Triple Helix Research Forum

  • International Research Forum 2025

  • International Experience: Mempererat Hubungan Antar Kampus dan Industri Bersama SeoulTech Start-Up









  • Higher education students’ perceptions of ChatGPT: A global study of early reactions
    Research Year - 2025
    Completed Publication
  • Sustainable Banking, Performance or Reputation?
    Research Year - 2024
    Completed Publication
  • The UTAUT approach to Indonesia’s behavioral intention to use mobile health apps
    Research Year - 2024
    Completed Publication
  • Students’ perspectives on using e-learning applications and technology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesian higher education
    Research Year - 2024
    Completed Publication
  • The Reality of Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping After the Outbreak in Indonesia
    Research Year - 2024
    Completed Publication
  • Why E-Servicescape Matters for Positive Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Study in Online Food Delivery Service During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
    Research Year - 2022
    Completed Publication
  • Kepemimpinan Bisnis
    Research Year - 2021
  • Dasar-Dasar Manajemen dan Bisnis
    Research Year - 2020
  • Human Capital Management
    Research Year - 2020


  • Alma Aliviani BM-2022

    I have always been interested in Business Management from the start. It is a social science that involves a lot of interaction with people. Through this program, I began to understand the implementation of business, including planning and procurement requirements. At BINUS, we didn’t just learn soft skills in management and business administration but also the hard skills needed for a career in a company. Overall, 3.5 years in Business Management were quite challenging due to the high standards set by BINUS, but I experienced significant development in both soft and hard skills during my time there. Mostly, it is very relevant. I studied marketing management, which provided a lot of exposure during my studies at Business Management BINUS. I learned about marketing, strategy, how to make our products appealing to customers, display them, and the strategies involved. Overall, that was my experience. There were many highlights. The three main points are: first, the lecturers were very supportive, even now as an alumni, they remain open to sharing. Second, as a student, I participated in self-development activities such as joining humanitarian organizations and working part-time as an English Tutor, which helped me become more confident in socializing and working with many people. These experiences are very useful for future careers. They taught me not only about human interaction but also how to manage myself and handle the work I will be doing.
  • Vita Rahmasari BM-2021

    It was really fun, and the friends were great, so I was learning while doing new things too. It’s very relevant, as I’m in fashion management, which is essentially like management. It’s highly related to the courses I’ve studied. The most interesting thing for me is BINUS’s 3+1 program. With this internship program, I was able to connect what I learned with my current job. It gave me a sense of what working is like before actually diving into the workforce.
  • Muhammad Raziva Ramza Aziz BM-2022

    Studying Business Management has been mind-blowing and enlightening. Many business process theories learned in high school were clarified through this program, covering operations, marketing, and human resources. Ultimately, Business Management sparked my interest in Business Resources Management. The knowledge gained is highly relevant to my current career, especially in Industrial Psychology and Human Resources Management. These courses solidified my interest in HR Management and are still very applicable to my career today. Highlights of the program include beneficial webinars that motivated me and the third-year internship track, which allowed me to directly apply what I had learned in class.
  • Reynadya Farissa BM-2022

    Reynadya Farissa, is currently a Market Researcher at Omni Communication Assistant (OCA) in Jakarta, Indonesia. With over two years of experience in market research, Reynadya has been with OCA since March 2022. Prior to this, she served as a Business Analyst Intern at Telkom Indonesia for one year, from March 2021 to February 2022, also based in Jakarta. In addition to her professional experience, Reynadya has been active in organizational activities. She served as the Secretary of the TFI Student Community (TFISC) in Bekasi for one year and three months, from January 2020 to March 2021. Reynadya is a graduate of BINUS University, holding a degree in Business Management, which she obtained in 2022. She mentions that the Business Management program at BINUS University is highly relevant to her current job. Her college experience was filled with exciting moments, such as meeting new friends, gaining new experiences, and expanding her network. One of the subjects that closely correlates with her current work is marketing, providing a strong foundation for her role as a Market Researcher.
  • Annisa Fara Nabila BM-2021

    Senior Community Partnership Manager Annisa Fara Nabila, or Fara, is a Senior Community Partnership Manager with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from BINUS University. She graduated from BINUS University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, which has been instrumental in shaping her expertise and success in the e-commerce sector. Her professional journey at TikTok as a Celebrity Community Manager highlights her exceptional skills in e-commerce, including data-driven strategy, successful target achievements, and strategic partnerships. Fara’s academic background in Business Management has provided a solid foundation for her career, making her a well-rounded and accomplished professional in the field.
  • Levina Natasya BM-2021

    Enrichment Program: Internship di ASO College Jepang selama 1 Tahun Selesai Studi: 3,5 tahun (Est.) “Business Management Program has tremendously helped me to understand more about how businesses work teoretically and practically”
  • Nadia Kris Sigit BM-2020

    Student Exchange: Deakin University (Australia) Summer Program: NUS University (Singapura) Pitching Competition: Mapua University (Filipina), Erasmus & Europe Union Enrichment Program: Magang (Union Group) & Startup Selesai Studi: 3,5 tahun “Business horizons have never been so broad. The Business Management program has opened my eyes to promising ventures and enriched my academic experience with international study and competition opportunities.”  
  • Aditya Patriazka BM-2020

    Enrichment Program: Internship di Apple Academy selama setahun Selesai Studi: 4 Tahun (Est.) “Business Management program has been my greatest choice. It offers more than great academics but also amazing experiences and opportunities. It also broaden my skill and knowledge for future opportunities to come.”


Apa Akreditasi Program Business Management ?

Akreditasi program Business Management BINUS University adalah AACSB Accredited. BINUS University menjadi universitas swasta pertama di Indonesia yang meraih akreditasi AACSB dan termasuk dalam 5% sekolah bisnis di dunia yang meraih akreditasi AACSB.

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