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  • Prospective Careers
  • PENGUKUHAN Prof. Dr. Ir. Sevenpri Candra, S.Kom., S.E., M.M., ASEAN Eng
  • PENGUKUHAN Prof Dezie Leonarda Warganegara, PhD.
Location Available in 1 Campus
  • BINUS @Bekasi
Length of Study 4 years
Academic Title S.E.


Business Management are committed to providing our students with knowledge and skills in management, a global mindset, creative thinking and entrepreneurship, ethics, and digital service and supply chain management. We believe that by offering an adequate and supportive learning environment, we can assist our students in growing and developing not only as skilled professionals but also as responsible and innovative leaders in the ever-changing global landscape. By combining theoretical and practical approaches, we strive to prepare our students to face real-world challenges and achieve success in various fields of industry and profession.
As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Founded in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools, and the largest business education network connecting students, educators, and businesses worldwide. AACSB International (AACSB) announces that BINUS Business School at Bina Nusantara University has earned accreditation.
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Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.



  • Bagaimana Machine Learing Akan Mengubah Manajemen Rantai Pasokan

    Dunia bisnis saat ini dihadapkan pada dinamika yang kompleks dan penuh dengan volatilitas. Disrupsi, baik yang bersifat internal maupun eksternal, telah menjadi fenomena yang kian sering terjadi dan dapat mengganggu kelancaran rantai pasok. Fluktuasi permintaan, perubahan geopolitik, dan perkembangan teknologi merupakan beberapa contoh faktor yang dapat memicu disrupsi dalam rantai pasok. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana […]
    Bagaimana Machine Learing Akan Mengubah Manajemen Rantai Pasokan
  • Investasi ESG dan Shareholder Value

    Mitos atau Fakta: ESG vs Kepentingan Pemegang Saham? Selama ini, banyak investor mempertanyakan apakah praktik keberlanjutan perusahaan (ESG) sejalan dengan kepentingan mereka. Ada kekhawatiran bahwa fokus pada ESG justru mengalihkan perhatian perusahaan dari profitabilitas jangka pendek (Yoon, 2024). Namun, riset terbaru menunjukkan pandangan yang sebaliknya. Penerapan ESG yang tepat, strategis, dan berjangka panjang, justru dapat […]
    Investasi ESG dan Shareholder Value
  • Retail Management

    Secara umum, ritel dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan ekonomi yang memasok produk dalam jumlah besar untuk dijual dalam satuan lebih kecil atau dijual eceran ke konsumen akhir. Karena banyaknya pekerja yang terlibat dan fungsinya sebagai penghubung antara produsen dan konsumen, sektor ritel memainkan peran penting dalam perekonomian. Beberapa fungsi ritel diantaranya, yaitu: Penyediaan berbagai jenis produk […]
    Retail Management


  • Workshop SMAS Dharma Putra Advent











  • How the quality of technology-enabled payment and information search systems affects customer loyalty-The case in Indonesian universal health coverage
    Research Year - 2020
    Completed Publication
  • Transformational leadership, communication quality influences to perceived organization effectiveness and employee engagement and employee retention during the covid-19 pandemic
    Research Year - 2020
    Completed Publication
  • Young customers’ perception on influencer endorsement, customer review and E-tailing channel
    Research Year - 2019
    Completed Publication
  • Measuring generosity reviewing the reliability and validity of generosity measures in Indonesia
    Research Year - 2019
    Completed Publication
  • Patient satisfaction of bpjs kesehatan service after three years of program implementation
    Research Year - 2019
    Completed Publication
  • Generosity’s antecedents and outcomes – A proposed relationship between Generosity and Intention in Indonesia’s BPJS Kesehatan
    Research Year - 2018
    Completed Publication

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Annisa Fara Nabila BM-2021

Annisa Fara Nabila, or Fara, is a Senior Community Partnership Manager with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from BINUS University. She graduated from BINUS University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, which has been instrumental in shaping her expertise and success in the e-commerce sector. Her professional journey at TikTok as a Celebrity Community Manager highlights her exceptional skills in e-commerce, including data-driven strategy, successful target achievements, and strategic partnerships. Fara’s academic background in Business Management has provided a solid foundation for her career, making her a well-rounded and accomplished professional in the field.

Annisa Fara Nabila BM-2021
Senior Community Partnership Manager
Levina Natasya  BM-2021

Enrichment Program: Internship di ASO College Jepang selama 1 Tahun Selesai Studi: 3,5 tahun (Est.) “Business Management Program has tremendously helped me to understand more about how businesses work teoretically and practically”

Levina Natasya BM-2021
Nadia Kris Sigit BM-2020

Student Exchange: Deakin University (Australia) Summer Program: NUS University (Singapura) Pitching Competition: Mapua University (Filipina), Erasmus & Europe Union Enrichment Program: Magang (Union Group) & Startup Selesai Studi: 3,5 tahun “Business horizons have never been so broad. The Business Management program has opened my eyes to promising ventures and enriched my academic experience with international study and competition opportunities.”  

Nadia Kris Sigit BM-2020
Aditya Patriazka BM-2020

Enrichment Program: Internship di Apple Academy selama setahun Selesai Studi: 4 Tahun (Est.) “Business Management program has been my greatest choice. It offers more than great academics but also amazing experiences and opportunities. It also broaden my skill and knowledge for future opportunities to come.”

Aditya Patriazka BM-2020


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