Global Startup Hackathon 2024

Global Startup Hackathon is an event organized by Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore and jointly organized with The Reactor Sandbox which being held at the same in several countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailan and China. For this year event, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore invited Binus International as the local partner in hosting the event in Indonesia.

The main purpose of the event is to get creative business ideas from the contestant and to develop those ideas as each team received valuable mentorship from the selected experts in the business field. The contestants then presented their business ideas in front of the venture capitalists and industrial experts which then will become the judges for these ideas. The emerging champion will then be invited for the next round competing against other champions from other invited countries.

The main theme for this year Global Startup Hackathon will be focusing on three main SDG objectives, namely: Quality education (SDG number 4), Decent Work & Economic Growth (SDG number 8), and Climate Action (SDG number 13). However, it is very important to take notes that this event creates collaboration at international level among students with different background of culture and education. It is also important to take notes that this event also put some focus for the next generation to think about sustainable endeavor and create sustainable solutions for the current problems.

This fruitful event has helped their participants to gain valuable networking among individuals form different countries as well as valuable experience in dealing with industrial experts as well as venture capitalists especially in developing and pitching their business ideas. The event which being held at March 9, 10 and 16 hopefully will gain sufficient momentum for students to gain knowledge and competitive experience for their future career.

Jakarta, March 21st, 2024







Tengku Mohd. Khairal Abdullah MBA., Ph.D