The Determinant Factors of Purchasing Behavior Of In-App Purchases In PUBG Mobile
Determinants of RAROC of Bank using Internal and External Bank Factor and Size as Moderating Variable
Brand Loyalty, Online Shopping, Environmental Awareness and Risk Averse: The Differences between Gen Y and Gen Z
Patient Satisfaction of BPJS Kesehatan Service after Three Years of Program Implementation
Modelling Shares Choice to enter in a Portfolio using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
The Mediating Effect of Strategic Purchasing in Pre-Stressed Concrete Based Construction Project: A Case Study of Construction Contractor in Indonesia
Face-to-Face or E-Learning: Lesson Learned from Forced Shifting to E-Learning during COVID-19 Outbreak
Forced Shifting to e-Learning during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality, and Goal Orientation influence to e-Learning Satisfaction and Perceived Performance
The Role of Project Portfolio Management and Project Management Office in Commercial Banks in Indonesia: A Descriptive Study