Implementation of the Assistance Program for SMEs in the Transport Equipment Sector in West Java Province

In 2024, the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia has a mission to increase the efficiency, productivity, and quality of products produced by small and medium enterprises. With the purpose of fulfilling this, they have designed several activities that will provide insights and education for small and medium enterprises delivered by professional experts.
Among those activities, an event was held on Monday, April 29th, 2024, at the Grand Cordela Hotel in Bandung, that invited speakers from BINUS University, specifically from the Doctor of Research in Management. These speakers would then deliver topics that provide insights and could lead to further discussion between the speakers and the attendees. The speakers who attended were Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, Dr. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, and Dr. Rano Kartono, B. IT., M. Bus., whereas the attendees were representatives of respective institutions/companies. Not only that, the General Director of Small and Medium Industries from the Ministry of Industry was also present and delivered greetings to commemorate the start of the event.
There were three sessions that were filled in by lecturers from the Doctor of Research in Management. The morning session took place from 9:00 to 10:00, with a topic entitled Corporate Legality, presented by Dr. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro and Dr. Rano Kartono, B. IT., M. Bus.
This session was then followed by a break and resumed at 13:00 to 15:00, with a topic entitled Marketing Management, which was presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, and Dr. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro. Later, another topic took place on Financial Management, which was presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE, MQM, MBA, and Dr. Rano Kartono, B. IT., M. Bus.
These topics are delivered with the hope of providing a better understanding and insights into increasing the efficiency, productivity, and product quality of small and medium enterprises.