BINUS Learning Week at Rawa Belong Flower Market (3rd to 5th June 2024)

As a form of community development, one of the components of Catur Dharma, BINUS lecturers held a Learning Week with BINUS for managers and sellers of the Rawa Belong Flower Market, West Jakarta, from 3 to 5 June 2024. Although this market has significant potential, market management and sellers face challenges due to a lack of technological knowledge, intense market competition, and limited resources for technology adoption and training.
Two BINUS Business School Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) lecturers participated in the Learning Week with BINUS, both of which involved students currently studying in the DRM program.
On Monday, June 3rd, the first day, Mrs. Dr. Pantri Heriyati from BBS DRM and Mrs. Dr. Minsani Mariani from the BBS Undergraduate Program presented a topic entitled Digital Promotional Content with the Help of AI. This session was assisted by Mr. Aryo Bismo, a DRM student in the Class of 2019, in the material delivery. It was then followed by a session presented by Mrs. Dr. Dahlia Damayanti from the BBS International Undergraduate Program on the topic of Product Innovation. Other than sellers, participants of the first day were also dominated by officials and staff from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Food Security, Maritime, and Agricultural Services.
Meanwhile, the second day, Tuesday, June 4th, was mostly attended by sellers and market management. The training on that day was opened by Mrs. Dr. Evelyn Hendriana from BBS DRM who presented the topic of Service Recovery. To practice this topic, at the end of the session, there was a role-play session assisted by Mr. Stefanus Rumangkit, a student of DRM Class of 2023, involving several participant representatives. This session was then followed by the material delivery of Excellent Customer Service, presented by Mrs. Yuliana, CHE, from the Tourism Study Program.
The Learning Week with BINUS closed on Wednesday, June 5th, with the material presented in the form of reels. The first topic was entitled Communication and Promotional Content on Social Media which was prepared by Mr. Giovani Anggasta Setiawan, Mrs. Noor Aini Rachmawati, and Mrs. Siti Dewi Sri Ratna Sari. The second topic, entitled Strategies to Increase Engagement Through Promotional Content, was delivered by Mrs. Yulianne Safitri and Mrs. Arsiyanti Lestari. Through this three-day training, participants are expected to have a better understanding and skills in digital marketing, increase sales, and increase competitiveness.