Dissertation Examination of Firdaus Rahmad Akbar

On Thursday, 29 February 2024, a Dissertation Examination for a DRM student, Firdaus Rahmad Akbar [2140003156] entitled “Readiness For Digital transformation at Vocational Higher Education in Indonesia in The Industry 4.0 Era” was held Alam Sutera, R. B0301, Bina Nusantara University.
The dissertation examination was led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M. and attended by a team of promotors and examiners. There were three promotors in attendance with Prof. Dr. Ir. Sasmoko, M.Pd., M.A., CIRR, IPU, ASEAN Eng., SMIEEE as a Promotor, Prof. Dr. Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, SE., M.M. as Co-Promotor 1, and Dr. Viany Utami Tjhin, S.Kom., M.M., CDMS as Co-Promotor 2. There were also examiners present, with Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal, MSE., MQM., M.B.A. as Examiner 1, Dr. Rano Kartono, B. IT., M. Bus as Examiner 2, and Dr. Drs. Mohammad Maskan., M.Si as Examiner 3. Dr. Beni Bandanajaya S.T., M.T was also virtually present during the dissertation examination.
This study aims to look at the readiness of digital transformation in vocational tertiary institutions in the industrial era 4.0, then these results will serve as initial profiling to make the right policies to accelerate digital transformation in vocational tertiary institutions. Against the background of the variables that have been studied previously and with the development of research on digital transformation, namely e-leadership, digital enabler and industry 4.0 implementation with mediating variables, namely innovation management and organizational agility. Testing innovation management and organizational agility towards digital transformation readiness. This research model reflects the relationship between e-leadership, digital enablers and organizational agility which is mediated by innovation management and organizational agility. This research uses quantitative methods with clarification from several respondents This research model was developed and tested using data collected from vocational universities in Indonesia. The sample in this research was 104 respondents and the research method used was simple random sampling and the technical analysis of this research was structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Smart PLS software application. The results of this study indicate that innovation management and organizational agility have a mediating role in digital transformation readiness. In addition, this study also found that the e-leadership variable was not significant to other variables. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that digital enabler and Industry 4.0 Implementation have a stronger influence than e-leadership on digital transformation readiness.
In 2005, the Promovendus graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Gunadarma University. He then continued his Master’s in Information Systems in 2008 at Gunadarma University, and in 2018 decided to pursue a Doctoral Program in Research in Management, specializing in Business Information Systems. The Promovendus is currently working as a Junior Auditor at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, a position held since 2008.
During his time enrolled in the Doctoral Program, Firdaus Rahmad Akbar has published several publication which was submitted to Conference and Journals. Here are examples of his works:
Conference 1 BDPR 4th in Malang The Influence of Leadership Behavior Strategies and Organizational Culture on the Alignment of Information Systems Business Process Strategies and Their Impact on Higher Education System Assimilation (study at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) |
Journal 1 Digital Transformation Readiness In Indonesian Institutions Of Higher Education With Digital Enabler |
Conference 2 BDPR 7 in Sentul Systems Theory in Vocational College |
Journal 2 Digital Leadership In Vocational Tertiary Institutions To Support Digital Transformation Readiness In Indonesia |
The dissertation examination of Firdaus Rahmad Akbar can be seen as below.