Dissertation Examination of Erland Barlian

On Thursday, 29 February 2024, a Dissertation Examination for a DRM student, Erland Barlian [2040002695] entitled “The Influence and Antecedents of Digital Transformation to Sustainable Performance of Artisanal Fisherman in Indonesia” was held Alam Sutera, R. B0301, Bina Nusantara University.
The dissertation examination was led by Prof. Dr. Mts. Arief, M.M., MBA., CPM and attended by a team of promotors and examiners. There were three promotors in attendance with Prof. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D. as a Promotor, Dr. Elidjen, S.Kom., MInfoCommTech., CIP as Co-Promotor 1, and Dr. Yosef Dedy Pradipto L.Th., M.Hum., M.S. as Co-Promotor 2. There were also examiners present, with Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M. as Examiner 1, Dr. Ir. Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro as Examiner 2, and Dr. Ir. Augy Syahailatua, M.Sc. as Examiner 3.
The capture fisheries industry is an industry that relies on natural catches, where with the increasing number of humans, these natural catches are increasingly unable to meet market demand. This increase in the number of requests was accompanied by a decrease in the number of catches, one of which was caused by unsustainable fishing practices. The decline in catches also has an impact on the decline on performance of the three pillars of sustainability, the decline impacting the declining number of artisanal fishermen due to a bad economy, the collapse of the social ecosystem of fishermen and the collapse of the marine ecosystem.
Industrial revolution 4.0 era allows humans to transform digitally by using the various advantages offered by technology in the form of (Digital Dividend) to achieve optimal performance, including the performance of the three pillars of sustainability. Therefore, this study examines the effect of Digital Transformation on the Performance of the Three Pillars of Artisanal Fisherman’s Sustainability, considering the variables of entrepreneurial wellbeing and Innovation Capability as antecedents of the digital transformation variable and the Cultural Values variable as a variable that moderates the influence of the entrepreneurial wellbeing and capability innovation capabilities on the digital transformation variable as a mediating variable between the three variables on the performance of the three pillars of sustainability of artisanal fishermen. With 427 artisanal fishermen respondents from various fishing areas in Indonesia, it was found that the results of this study indicate that digital transformation mediates entrepreneurial wellbeing and innovation capability which is moderated by cultural values on the performance of the three pillars of sustainability of artisanal fishermen in Indonesia.
Erland Barlian has an educational background in management and graduated from STIE IBII / Kwik Kian Gie in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Management, specializing in Marketing Management. He pursued his Master’s degree at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, in Information Systems, with a focus on Electronic Commerce. He then continued his doctoral studies in Entrepreneurship & Innovation within the Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) program at BINUS University.
Erland Barlian’s career began after returning from Australia, where he led several companies in the field of Information and Communication Technology. One of these companies specialized in VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), BPL (Broadband Over Power Line), ISP (Internet Service Provider), and Content Provider services in collaboration with the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) company Tron, Sdn, Bhd from Malaysia. From 2014 to 2020, he collaborated with the U.S.-based satellite company Globalstar Satellite LLC, providing Satellite Monitoring Solutions in the form of a VMS (Vessel Monitoring System). Between 2009 and 2019, he served as an expert advisor to members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI) across various commissions, including Commission II (Government Affairs), Commission VI (Economy and State-Owned Enterprises), and Commission I (Telecommunications, Defense, Foreign Relations).
Since 2020, Erland Barlian has been a faculty member at Binus University, teaching Entrepreneurship at Binus Bekasi. He has published various scientific papers in journals and conferences, some of which are indexed by Scopus, consistently focusing on research in technology and management for small and micro enterprises.
There are some publication that Barlian has published during his enrolment in the Doctoral program, such as:
- The influence of entrepreneurship orientation and IOT capabilities to sustainable competitive advantage of artisanal fisheries in Indonesia: A case study of Artisanal Fishery in Banten Province
Barlian’s dissertation examination is available below.