BINUS UNIVERSITY Proudly Presents Promotional Examination & The First Doctoral Inauguration Doctoral Program of Research in Management

For the first time, the Doctoral Program of Research Management BINUS UNIVERSITY granted a Doctoral degree in the promotional examination and inauguration for Lim Sanny, with the Rector of BINUS University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM as the chairman.
The emotional examination stirred the emotions of participants in the Campus Hall of Anggrek BINUS UNIVERSITY (8th floor), West Jakarta. At one point during the examination, which was held on June 15, 2013, they even shed tears since they felt so moved.
Acting as Co-Promoter are Dr. Ir. Boto Simatupang, MBP and Dr. Pantri Heriyati, SE, M.Com. Meanwhile, acting as the Board of Examiners are Dr. Ir. Asnan Furinto, MBA and Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian.
The scope of Lim Sanny’s dissertation was titled “The Impact of Quality of Transactional and Relational Relationship towards the Satisfaction and Performance of Franchises Modernized by the Entrepreneurship Orientation: Study on Franchise of Educational Industry in Indonesia.”
“I am definitely very happy that finally the moment I’ve been waiting for is here. In the future I want to focus to develop my career. Not only in BINUS, but also in franchises. I want to improve the local franchises, because I am very sure that local franchises will be able to compete with international franchises,” Lim Sanny explained.
Meanwhile, Head Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) Binus University, Dr. Ir. Asnan Furinto, MBA explained that BINUS University is very proud with this inauguration and hopefully this success will be able to inspire and motivate other students, especially those who are still working on their dissertations.
“This is the first Doctoral Promotional Examination from BINUS. This is the strategy of vision achievement and BINUS’ 20-20 mission, which is to become a world-class knowledge institution. Automatically, we are expecting world-class knowledge and hopefully the knowledge which we have now can be expanded even further. The DRM program is producing Doctoral alumni which are hopefully will be able to develop and create new knowledge. This way, if we are connecting this with the mission and vision of BINUS, we will strengthen our achievement and vision to become a knowledge institution because one of the people who will work on that knowledge are alumni of DRM,” Asnan explained to Innovation after the examination. (Karunia Fransiska)