Dicky Hida Syahchari is a faculty member of Bina Nusantara Business School Undergraduate Program in Management Department. He is also working as a Subject Content Coordinator of Business Development Management and E-Business Management. He has been a lecturer for almost 13 years. He focused on innovation management, knowledge management and business development.
In this era of increasing globalization, exports play an essential role in the Indonesian economy. Exports are activities carried out by companies or businesses in a country by selling their products outside their country of origin. Exporting is an activity that describes the competitiveness of a country's economy. It is also a by-product of Indonesia's diverse experience, innovation, productivity, and human resources quality. To increase exports, the Government seeks to produce half a million exporters in 9 years. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati is optimistic that she will be able to print up to 500 thousand new exporters in 2030.
Many companies have dared to export to various countries, but unfortunately, domestic MSMEs have a low contribution value to Indonesia's export earnings. According to the data obtained, only 14.7% of MSMEs export, which is very small compared to APEC member countries that have reached 35% of MSME exports.
BNI Chairman Director Royke Tumilaar said that P.T. Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk (BNI) is receiving a mandate from the Ministry of State Enterprises to become an Indonesian international bank that can encourage domestic business players to access global markets. Furthermore, he said: "Export-oriented MSMEs have grown quite a bit, and we have seen some cities quite successful. It is an opportunity for BNI to open up export services for MSMEs. P.T. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk continues to explore its international business potential and can connect with the diaspora in various countries.
To support the country's Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to enter the international market and support government programs, in 2021, P.T. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BNI) has presented the BNI Xpora solution (Export UKM Solution), a solution for SMEs to become productive, global, and digital with the motto Export So Easy. Royke said, in providing Xpora, that it is a platform to help MSMEs transform faster and help them go global.