I have always been interested in Business Management from the start. It is a social science that involves a lot of interaction with people. Through this program, I began to understand the implementation of business, including planning and procurement requirements. At BINUS, we didn’t just learn soft skills in management and business administration but also the hard skills needed for a career in a company. Overall, 3.5 years in Business Management were quite challenging due to the high standards set by BINUS, but I experienced significant development in both soft and hard skills during my time there.

Mostly, it is very relevant. I studied marketing management, which provided a lot of exposure during my studies at Business Management BINUS. I learned about marketing, strategy, how to make our products appealing to customers, display them, and the strategies involved. Overall, that was my experience.

There were many highlights. The three main points are: first, the lecturers were very supportive, even now as an alumni, they remain open to sharing. Second, as a student, I participated in self-development activities such as joining humanitarian organizations and working part-time as an English Tutor, which helped me become more confident in socializing and working with many people. These experiences are very useful for future careers. They taught me not only about human interaction but also how to manage myself and handle the work I will be doing.