Bachtiar H. Simamora is a Professor in Industrial Management, and Senior Lecture Specialist at Binus Business School Undergraduate Program at Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. He earned B.S. in Mathematics from North Sumatera University, Medan, Indonesia, Master’s in General Operations Research from School of Engineering and Applied Science the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA and PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from Oklahoma State University Stillwater Oklahoma, USA. He has published journal and conference papers. Professor Simamora has completed research projects with Asian Productivity Organization (APO) about Public Sector Productivity and he is now continuing that as a focus of his research for a few years ahead. His research interests also include Business Process Modelling and Mapping, Business Process Improvement, Organizational Performance Excellence, simulation, optimization, reliability, scheduling, and lean. He is also ambassador of disseminating and promoting the implementation of Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence in Indonesia since the year 2000.