Website Promotion in E-Service
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Website Promotion in E-Service
E-service quality is the extent to which websites facilitate the effective and efficient shopping, purchase and delivery of products and services (Bressolles &Durrieu, 2011, p.4). There is a difference in purchasing behaviour between internet purchases and direct purchases. Purchases over the internet are influenced by the quality of service through the internet (eservice) felt by customers. Research on purchasing through internet services yields a number of important findings that are beneficial for marketers to increase people’s attractiveness in online shopping and the satisfaction of buying online. According to Tatik Suryani (2013: 254), E-Service Quality can be measured by indicators: 1. Quality website design is the one that in its design facilitates interaction with customers. Being copied with an attractive look is also an important attraction that will affect purchases over the internet. 2. Reliability According to Suryani (2013: 254), reliability is assessed from the ability of the website in providing information and accuracy in charging, appropriate and fast response, maintaining personal information safely. 3. Customer Responsiveness expects the store/company that makes purchases online to respond quickly if there are problems submitted by the customer. Customers typically assess this response to navigational speed, tracing information, opportunities to ask questions and receive answers. 4. Trust is shown from the customer’s confidence to accept vulnerabilities from online shopping in meeting his or her expectations. 5. Personalization Personalization includes services that allow customers to gain attention and dialogue with the company.