A paradigm shift in financial landscape: encouraging collaboration and innovation among Indonesian FinTech lending players

This paper aims to examine about the nature and strategy of current
competitive dynamics by FinTech lending Indonesia players.
This paper uses both primary and secondary data. Interviews of several
executives of a FinTech lending firm are done to gain direct insight of how
the firms strategize their business operation. On the other hand, secondary
data from internet search (e.g., OJK’s Website, FinTech Lending firm’s
websites) are used to grasp the overview of the industrial landscape.
The study confirms that differentiation, collaboration, compliance and
strong internal resources (e.g. team and funding) are the most pivotal
elements for FinTech lending success. The study also confirmed the FinTech
lending industrial landscape as an emerging and fragmented industry.
Research limitations/implications
This paper offers an original and detailed solution about how the FinTech
lending company strategies may survive in a dynamic competition. The
paper also shows the industrial analysis of the FinTech lending industry,
which is rarely discussed in previous research. However, this study only
focused on the lending sub-sector of FinTech, and the sample for primary
data is highly limited (only three interviews).
Practical implications
This paper proposes a strategy that can be conducted by FinTech lending
companies to achieve their business goals, including business growth,
profits and improve financial inclusion in Indonesia. This perspective can
act as a means to create practical modus operandi for policymakers and
practitioners, especially FinTech lending companies in Indonesia.
This paper offers an original and detailed solution about how the FinTech
lending company strategies may survive in adynamic competition. This
study also provides a theoretical framework for use in further empirical
research into the process of resource mobilization from FinTech lending
Indonesia companies.


Irwan Adi Ekaputra (2020). A paradigm shift in financial landscape: encouraging collaboration and innovation among Indonesian FinTech lending players. , 12(2) .doi:doi/10.1108/JSTPM-03-2020-0064/full/html
Indonesia, Lending, FinTEch