Muhammad Calvin Capnary. S.E., M.S.M

Muhammad Calvin Capnary. S.E., M.S.M

NIDN: 306019202
Program Studi: Management
Knowledge Area: People management
Deskripsi Singkat: Muhammad Calvin Capnary, S.E., M.S.M. Memperoleh gelar Magister Sains Manajemen (M.S.M) dari Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia (PPIM-FEBUI) dengan konsentrasi Human Capital Management (2017) dan Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E) dari International Program Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Islam Indonesia (IP FE-UII) dengan konsentrasi Human Resource Management (2015). Saat ini aktif berkerja sebagai Content Partnership and Growth Section Head di, platform pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dari BINUS Group dan Dosen di BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program (BBS-UP), Universitas Bina Nusantara. CEO dan Founder dari DICA Consulting, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pelatihan dan konsultasi bisnis & manajemen yang telah banyak membantu perusahaan bertaraf internasional, nasional, maupun perusahaan rintisan (start up). Mempunyai pengalaman dalam membangun beberapa bisnis, diantaranya adalah Jogjakarta Shuttle Service (JOGSS), sebuah perusahaan jasa yang bergerak di bidang jasa tour organizer berbasis digital pertama di Indonesia dan MeePals, sebuah perusahaan startup yang bergerak di bidang jasa pertemanan. Pernah memecahkan record sebagai pekerja termuda dan tercepat yang menduduki managerial level di Pertamina Group
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8500-2643

The Influence of Flexibility of Work to Loyalty and Employee Satisfaction Mediated by Work Life Balance to Employees with Millennial Generation Background in Indonesia Startup Companies

Human resource is the one of the most important elements in the company. Therefore, the company must have related strategies to retain these workers. One of them is by increasing employee loyalty and satisfaction through flexibility of work and work life balance. The strategy chosen is based on the unique characteristics of the majority of workers who entered the millennial generation. Some companies are already implementing these strategies, including startup companies. This study aims to investigate the influence of the flexibility of working on loyalty and employee satisfaction with work life balance. This research was conducted using convenience and snowball sampling technique to the 121 respondents with a millennial generation background which is worked in startup companies in Indonesia. Data obtained from respondents were processed and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results of this study indicate that flexibility of work has significant and positive influence to loyalty and employee satisfaction. However, flexibility of work has positive and significant impact on loyalty and employee satisfaction. This research prove that work life balance have partial mediating influence in relationship between flexibility of work and loyalty. In the other hands, work life balance have no mediating a relationship between flexibility of work and the satisfaction of employee with millennial background that is worked in startup companies.

Contribution indicators of work stress and employee organizational commitments case study

This study aims to determine the contribution of work stress indicators as exogenous variables and organizational commitment as endogenous variables consisting of subvariable affective, continuance, and normative commitments. The sample of respondents in the study were 150 people with analysis using the assistance of the lisrel 8.80 program. Based on the research it was found that exogenous variables affect endogenous variables. In addition, it was also found that leadership and open information indicators in companies were ranked first and second in contributing to work stress. In affective commitment are indicators of level of income and job satisfaction. In continuity of commitment is an indicator of work passion and hope for improvement in life. In normative commitment are indicators of the implementation of the reward system and work time. Based on this, it is recommended that companies need to implement appropriate and effective strategies to overcome employee stress problems by developing leadership patterns that are more democratic, transparent, egalitarian; involves employee participation in decision making; career certainty; consistently applying the reward system; and others. This will be an entry point for creating enthusiasm, job satisfaction, loyalty, and employee performance that will increase the company's productivity and progress.

Impact of employee talent management

This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence employee talent management and their impact on job satisfaction, job performance, and commitment sustainability. The study was conducted on workers in five companies located in Karawang Regency (pallet plastics, automotive, and hospitality industries) and Bogor (garment industry) located in the province of West Java, and South Tangerang (heavy tractor industry). This sample of respondents will answer the questionnaire in the questionnaire.) in Banten province. Data collection was conducted through questionnaire sharing with a sample of 250 employees, as well as interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) with a number of stakeholders. Questionnaires before being applied in field studies were examined using Pearson and Cronbach Alpha approaches in order to identify the level of validity and reliability. The analysis of the research was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach with the help of the Lisrel 8.70 program. The results show that organizational culture factors, transformational leadership, and job sharing have a positive impact on employee talent management, and talent management itself has an impact on job satisfaction, job performance, and commitment sustainability. It is recommended in the development of this talent-based workforce that the above factors should be considered along with the highest contributing factors to each factor.

The Effect of Strengthening Character Education on Tolerance Increasing and Development of Pancasila Students in Border Area: Case of West Kalimantan Province

This paper aims to explain the relationship between the variables of Principal Leadership (PL), Extracurricular in Schools (ES), Parents’ Participation (PP), Community Leaders (CL), and Border Area Development (BAD) on Strengthening Character Education (SCE). and Strengthening Character Education (SCE) on Improving Tolerance (IT) and Pancasila Student Profiles (PSP). This paper is a case study in the state border area in West Kalimantan Province which is carried out in 6 (six) Senior High Schools. The main data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires with a sample size of 180 grade 11 students at the school who were obtained randomly (random sampling). Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of the LISREL 8.70 program. The results showed PL, ES, PP, CL, and BAD on SCE, while SCE had a positive effect on IT and PSP. On the other hand, efforts to strengthening character education need to pay attention to the strength of indicators that contribute to each of these influence variables, including: the vision of the principal's character education, the availability of teaching staff / experts to support character education, provision of educational facilities character, socialization to increase awareness and tolerant behavior by involving non-formal leaders, attention to development that leads to increased understanding of differences in beliefs and ethnicities, and indicators of the availability of character education teachers in competent schools. Emphasis on these indicators will increase student tolerance and foster the profile of Pancasila students.

The influence of principal leadership, teacher learning characteristics, and utilization facilities on student thinking skill

This paper examined the effect of principal leadership, teacher learning characteristics, and utilization of learning facilities on student thinking skill. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to teacher respondents, conducting interviews, and focus group discussions. The results showed that a positive relationship existed between the principal leadership variables, characteristics of teacher learning, and utilization of learning facilities in the formation of student thinking abilities. For this reason, it is recommended that: (1) Training be provided to principals to be visionary, achievement oriented, and able to realize the role of facilitator and motivator, and also monitor and supervise the learning and utilization of learning facilities by the teacher;(2) teachers should be trained on utilizing the PBL approach and learning facilities in schools and other sources;(3) regulations should be issued to involve parental participation, especially in supporting the provision of learning facilities.

Factors of effect on job expectation honorarium teachers and its impact

This study aims to determine the factors that affect job satisfaction of non-permanent teachers (called: honorary teachers) and their impact on student performance, ongoing commitment, enthusiasm, and achievement. The study was conducted in 9 (nine) districts which were divided into two phases in 2017 (five districts) and 2018 (four districts). The research sample is honorary teachers who teach in junior and senior high schools with a total sample of 180 people. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach using the Lisrel 8.70 program. The study found job expectations and regular school operational assistance (specifically the allocation of funds used for honorarium teacher salaries) had a positive effect on job satisfaction of honorary teachers. Further job satisfaction has a significant impact on job performance, continuance commitment, work enthusiasm, and student achievement. The government is advised to select and recruit honorarium teachers to become non-ASN/Civil apparatus of State permanent teachers by relying on salary payments based on regional minimum wages and the right to take competency tests to get professional benefits, fulfillment of leave and other social security rights, and so on. But non-ASN permanent teachers do not get pension funds when they stop working later.


This paper aims to explain the impact of Learning From Home (LFH) on the mental emotional condition and psychological well-being of students, as well as its effect on student learning outcomes. This paper is the result of research on 600 elementary school students in 4 (four) cities in Indonesia. Data was collected through an online questionnaire with the assistance of the principal and teachers. This questionnaire was designed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB), with assessment through categorization. Analysis was also carried out using SEM techniques to determine the magnitude of the impact and contribution of indicators to variables. The results of the study found that learning from home through online had a positive impact on the creation of mental Emotional Conditions (EMC) and Psychological Well-Being (PWB), then both had an effect on student learning outcomes. It is recommended that online learning pay attention to the main indicators in influencing the LFH, EMC, and PWB variables. Online learning in this pandemic period is not limited to fulfilling the completeness of technology and internet networks, implementing an emergency curriculum, but also creating a high mental emotional state and psychological well-being of students. LFH requires the application of appropriate, creative, interesting, collaborative learning approaches, arouse curiosity, develop study habits, and become the entrance for the formation of student character.


This paper aims to explain the impact of Work From Home (WFH) policies on Mental Emotional Conditions (MEC), Psychological Well-Being (PWB), Job Performance (JPr), Job Satisfaction (JSa), and Job Expectations (JEx) of government employees (call: state civil apparatus). The research subjects are employees who work in the central government with a sample of 180 people, randomly assigned the status of administrative staff, lecturers, researchers, and teachers. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires, and analyzed using the SEM technique of the Lisrel 87.0 program. The results showed that WFH had a significant impact on MEC, PWB, JPr, and JSa. On the other hand, these four variables have an effect on employee job expectations, with the highest values being owned by the MEC and PWB variables. The results of this study are important to note in order to minimize the negative impact of WFH on these four variables, as well as their effect on job expectations. The implementation of WFH needs to be supported by a work environment, the availability of data and information, as well as digital technology and a strong internet network. It is also necessary to pay attention to the emergence of negative effects on the indicators of the four variables, namely: behavioral problems and serious emotional symptoms (MEC), inhibiting personal growth and life goals (PWB), fostering cooperation and integrity (JPr), and leadership attitudes in the application of compensation and award (JSa). Emphasis on these indicators will affect the maintenance of employee job expectations, especially in terms of increasing income and careers.

Dissemination of the STEM approach through MGMP teacher organizations: Alternative strategy for driving teachers in Indonesia

This paper aims to present a conceptual model for the strategy of disseminating the STEM approach (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) through the “Driving Teacher” (Indonesia: Guru Penggerak), a term issued in the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia for the period 2019 – 2024. Manuscripts are part of the research results from March-October 2020. The research was conducted through online discussions and distributing questionnaires to selected teachers, especially those who had received STEM training. The analysis was carried out qualitatively. As a result, various obstacles are still faced in implementing and disseminating STEM learning, especially related to the still weak curriculum design, lack of support from school principals and other stakeholders, doubts about the application of STEM because its effectiveness is not yet known, the ability of STEM in the completion curriculum, and others. However, STEM can be a learning approach that needs to be tried and applied in all fields of science, because STEM teaches students to be creative, think critically, collaboratively, and based on factual problem solving. The MGMP, Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (Indonesian: Teacher Education Consensus Points) teacher organization can be a potential vehicle and strategy for STEM socialization by Driving Teachers to invite teachers to design STEM learning, collaborate, compile curricula, determine learning topics, be factual-based, and encourage students to actively solve problems. The government needs to train as many teachers as possible to master the STEM approach and disseminate it through the MGMP.









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Pengembangan Pengelolaan Sekolah dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru: Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian Terhadap Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru (2019)