Constellation C2B (Consumer to Business)

Name: Juliann Virginia, 2301885163

Constellation C2B (Consumer to Business)

The C2B (Consumer to Business) constellation is primarily characterized by the exchange or disclosure of individual voluntary data to companies. For example, it can occur through a database for job applications, where individuals offer their manpower to the company. Transactions between private individuals in an e-business domain refer to C2C (Consumer To Consumer). These transactions are not necessarily just a direct buying and selling process, such as eBay transactions, they also capture the exchange of digital goods. Web 2.0 or social media is particularly relevant in this context. For example, the exchange of digital goods between individuals takes place on the YouTube video portal that allows its users to upload free video clips and watch other users’ videos. In general, the Internet is increasingly influenced by the interaction and network of its users. In the C2A (Consumer to Administration) region, the government is the recipient of the service exchange. Customers who in this case represent citizens use electronic network resources to relay information to government agencies. An example is an electronic tax return (file) income tax. Particularly in this area, C2A acceptance has steadily increased in recent years. In 2015, more than 128 million tax returns were electronically submitted in the United States.


Transactions in the A2C (Administration to Business) area are somewhat non-commercial. The supplier of customer service in A2C is for example the Federal Office of Labor. It offers job exchanges as well as supporting and managing interactions between applicants and employers regarding online job openings. Nevertheless, in A2C there are also fee-based offers, for example, customer information regarding a particular product or company. The A2A area in e-business refers to the electronic handling of certain information tasks between national and international authorities. Some public authorities, for example, our service providers to other authorities. Individual public authorities are also increasingly internationally connected. For example, the national police force is working under Europol’s direction and exchanging information electronically.

The intra-administrative constellation refers to the internal activities of public authorities, such as network-based intra-organizational training opportunities for administrative staff. The role of providers and recipients of the service exchange process is not determined on a priority basis. In particular, the advent of Web 2.0 applications or social media led to the abandonment of traditional business structures. Although previously customers were just recipients on the Internet, they can now become service providers by providing troubleshooting information during customer integration. Since e-business affects all areas of the value chain, the actors can become providers and recipients of service exchanges at the same time.


Wirtz, B. W. (2019). Digital Business Models: Concepts, Models, and the Alphabet Case Study. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.





Dicky Hida Syahchari