Applications in industry of Customer Service in e – Service
Adina Ramadhana Putri – 2301903052
Applications in industry of Customer Service in e – Service
So far we ourselves have felt and helped many things by e-Services unconsciously.
What’s that? When the beginning of the pandemic began, schools and universities have enacted online teaching activities that include collaborative services where one person interacts in two directions. to a group of people. So what are the implications in the industry? We can take from the small thing that is sending and receiving emails from companies and personal, this is included in providing services to each by using electronic devices.
But the service that may be clearly visible is a service that is purely done by AI or software if you want to be called e – Service. For example,GPS and Google Maps. In ancient times, people had to bring their own maps or ask others about wanting to reach their destination, now satellite technology and the Global Positioning System can reach the world. detect where you are, and give you the direction of the road where you want to go.
E-Services services can improve service to customers, because it proves efficient, easy to use and safe and easy to reach whenever and wherever the person is, making delivery Information and messages are easy to receive.
Rostami, A., Khani, A. H., & Soltani, G. (2015). The Impact of E-service Quality. International Conference on Applied Economics and Business,8.
Sun, Z., & Lau, K. S. (2007). Management in E – Service. Customer Experience, 24.