Chapter 1
VUCA is a context in the dynamic evolution and revolution in an organization that is interpret Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity that is must be happened in all organization around the world. In organization, VUCA have two kinds of approach, which is adjust and discovering the essence (Budiharto dkk., 2018). Volatility is fast transformation in organization, the example of volatility in an organization is pandemic that is make us all doing the activity in online platform such as zoom, google meet, Microsoft Teams, and many others online platforms. Then, there are ambiguity that is spread in organizational and becoming an issue for the future development, because it is still ambiguous. The example is Covid-19 health protocol that is keep changing during that is adjusted to the situation and condition. Whereas, Uncertainty interpreting the variety of problematic context that appear in society. The example is the weakening Indonesian Rupiah and the impact for many organizations economic become uncertainty and doubted. Furthermore, there is Complexity that is interpret the chaos in an organization and it is affected the operations and standards in organizational context, the example of Complexity is the changing of Indonesia law (UU Cipta Kerja that is known as Omnibus Law). There are many pros and contras to Omnibus Law, because it is Refers to the working law, organization must be very critical for facing the changing of law. Not just that, the chaos that is happened in society against Omnibus Law make a big problem and challenge for organization.
Then, there is a term called Cynefin, that is interpreted as five frameworks, which is simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic. Simple refer to the situation that having a problem that can be identified by the cause and effect, so the organizational parties already know about the actual problem, the case that related through this simple context is in order to overcome Covid-19 virus in Indonesia, quarantine is required for unspecified time. Then, there are complicated problematic that is unidentified. There is example in actual situation for this, “What is the cause of Corona Virus?”. At the first time Corona Virus become a trending, we don’t know what is the cause of this Pandemic. In this situation, of course all organization become so confuse. Next, there is a complex framework, organization is required to handling the situation with doing the potential experiment for solving the problem, the example of handling situation is China doing an experiment though their first vaccine trial, so the question is, “are the trial and experiment going to be success?”. Whereas, chaotic framework situation that is really stressful for any organization, because we don’t know about the clarity about some situation, the question that is interpret this point is. “When Australia opened the border for international student who is trapped in their home country?”. For any institute, sector, and student who is trapped and can’t continue their work and study, it is very chaotic. Then, there are disordered point from Cynefin, disordered is the situation where all parties of organization still can’t identify the certainty of situation, the example in actual incident is, “when we can free from mask and achieve herd immunity?”. Nobody knows when the time will get all sector grows and heals just like before pandemic.
Nowadays, there is a famous term that known as agile enterprise, it is the purpose of uncertainty, chaos, and complex situation and problem that have done by organizations for achieve the purpose. Agile enterprise had 3 core elements who is creating the main function f their appearance through society, the first one is the awareness of knowledge management process that must be completed, second it is refers to prioritizing the most important decision and creating alternative for solved the hard situation that came into society. Third is about the ability to response in real time to change the operational and standard to fit in with the new situation. There is the important relation between VUCA and Cynefin to agile enterprise, it is about how the problem and solution is united into three components. Basically, VUCA and Cynefin is the main problematic to organization’s operational, development, and standard. Here, agile enterprise had the important roles, which is answer the situation dilemma and problem by observe and act by the knowledge, technology, agility, and problem-solving skills, of course to doing this we need human resources to deal with this, so the development can bring us all to revolution. Why must be human resources? Because human is the most dignified creature in this world, I have a faith that with human’s intelligent and agility, we can create the world that is better for our generation and next generations. So therefore, about the critic from McGaughey, I can claim that it is the wrong idea because humans have their own special capability.
Chapter 2
In order to designing business agility, there are three critical levers that is having a big weigh to achieve agile enterprise in organization. The first levers are about how we can build the right thing, it is called as the value that society get for solving the problem that appear in society. Next, there is second levers which interpret how thing become right in society and situation quality angle that appears. The last one is about the creation of the right speed that optimizing for situation flows, it is examine about the right ways to handle and do an action in unpredictable phenomenal. So, shortly Agile enterprise for achieving agile human resources we need to have a focus into the value, quality, and flow optimize from dynamic society that is turning very fast in each second, minutes, hours, days, years, and decades which will come. Value is about the function that we give to society as organizational who has a competent and intelligent function. The thing that people should know about value is it will always make an improvement, simplify things, ease the problem, and having the actual function that society need. Superior value is the exact term for the function that society need. There is one problem in order to creating a superior value to society, which is the human resources that can creating this superior value. The important question in this part is, “How human resources can handle the creation of superior value?”, the answer is simple, because human had the ability that others creature doesn’t have. We are special creature, the most intelligence, and dignified. Human is always potential and talented, but why there is still many human resources that is unemployment and deciding to not developing their-self as human resources that is have an impact to society and world’s growth. It is because the lacks of awareness about agile enterprise in agile human resources, so therefore agility is important and must be campaigned by the following parties who is involve in order to influence human resources to having the agility. To achieving agility stage, it is not going to be easy, but all we need to do is aware the important context for being the agile human resources. Human must bring value to their surroundings, because it is the main goals for being in this world, to have the importance portion as a leader through agility.
The next context that is very important is about the confirmation through the quality that we are going to prepare and serve to society, it is interpret about the quality that we have been offer for better development, of course with the agility that is involve fast, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Therefore, to achieve the agile human resources, the related parties must have the competence to being responsive and adaptive to what is coming and other unexpected issues. Sometimes, the unexpected issues attack us and force us to think with agility. To becoming someone who has agile in deciding and solving the prolem, they need to be flexible to any situation in their surroundings, not just that being multitasking in order having a point of view of problem is needed. Quality is containing how we could give the reflection of value that we appointed, the question is, “How the superior value that we proposed can be reflect their specialities in the reality? It is going to be the real quality for society?”. Therefore, we needed to make sure that the value can be the same portion for the quality that have been offered at the first time. There are the new rules and roles for agile human resources in previously in traditional management and agile human resources management. Traditional management is more refers to the employee is having a specific achievement and target that already set by the organizational parties, all this effort is made for being the excellent one. Whereas in agile human resources context, employees are required to be being independent for solving the problem with the agility that comprise the development with involving problem acquisition, making the evaluation, and doing the process for growth development that is very impactful to the success of strategy realization.
Building the right step with the right speed is very required for achieving agile enterprise, of course the success of this achievement is depending to the human resources that organization had. If the human resources support this achievement, I can assure that agile enterprise can be realization by the following agility skills. Human resources become the most important keys to any progressive situation. Facing what is coming is more than important for agile enterprise, there are the hitch and challenging reality. Agile is always about reality and the change that is must be faced by the Professional resources that having a potential agility enterprise. It is not just about choosing human resources that is having the agility, but it is beyond that. Awareness that should be spreads through society are very important, there is many people that still thinking that they should following the old instruction and procedure by traditional management, they don’t aware and knowing about the new agility enterprise that is very impactful for their self-development through the roles for progressive organization. This kind of awareness can interpret how human resources by following the flow that is appear in society and by natural influence of development. Flow is about where we can change the actual flow become suitable to the next procedure and step that should be take. The result of the flow that appear can be optimized by the current human resources who is have the responsibilities to taking care the organization who is make the agile enterprise as their number one priority to be organization that is have the agile responsibility and adaptive by the surroundings. It is not going to be easy, but agile is the main context that should be prepared by all the organization around the world, “Better world, and for better agile enterprise”.
Chapter 3
Conclusion and Suggestion
Agility enterprise is the term that is focused into the value, quality, and the flow for deeper and sharping the support technical practices in society. Basically, agility enterprise is the solutions for any change in society and surrounded by organizations, agile is fast and precise in target through the social change. It is about the agility to what is coming and what should organization do. Therefore, there is obstacle to this kind of achievement, the obstacle is about VUCA and Cynefin. VUCA is compromise Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Therefore, the term ‘Cynefin’ is compromised into five terms, which is simple, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder. But the context that is developing the obstacle itself in agile enterprise that is applied in organization and workplace. In agile enterprise there are three critical levers in business strategy, which is building the right things based on its value through society, building the most valuable quality, and building the right speed that must fit in with the flow (optimizing the flow of changing). Value is what others need when there is a changing. This three-dimensions the main core of the successful of application agile enterprise. Core means the heart of guaranteed success, so the three core critical levers is very important for the development in human resources context, especially in Indonesia. In Indonesia the term of agile enterprise is still rarely heard by any circle in society. Not just that, the roles of critical thinking in agility context are very important too, therefore we should be never stay on our comfort zone, like being too boring and just follows the old instruction and not thinking for future and worlds development. This kind of mindset must be banished from our generation, if critical thinking in agile enterprise context is already applied in Indonesian society, I can assure that Indonesia is ready to face the next level of agile enterprise. In fact, with critical thinking we can be one of many countries who is leading the agile enterprise, and made it become our specialities, pioneer and mascot.
According to the analysis that I already does to agility enterprise and its relation to VUCA and Cynefin, the recommendation that I suggest for this thing is Indonesian government must be the part of the agile enterprise development, especially in the workplace or organization. This thing can make some revolution too for Indonesia status in front of world frame. From the agility that developed in Indonesia, we can achieve the status as the developed country, because agile is very strong term that is supporting Indonesian human resources. I can assure the big effort of changing the mindset of all layer’s society in Indonesia in agile enterprise context can make Indonesia become the pioneer of the development human resources, and Indonesia is had a good potential to be the country who uphold agile enterprise in all around the world. But there are several requirements to achieving the main goal to make that change to progressive phase, which is the application of agility to what is going to coming, flexibility, critical thinking, creative thinking, open-minded, and the most important is its value. Days by days, as a human who is attach important to the progressive term, we need take a chance to being the part of changing phase. Change is not our enemy, it is the very start for another level of development in technology, organizational design, human resources, leadership, and culture. This five-term context is known as the five critical dimensions of agility, it is identified by the performance multipliers. When time will come to us, in that time the agility enterprise era come and it will be the most important skill in order to seeking a job. As a preparation, we can do our best with the preparation that we created through our human resources skills. The recommendation that I suggest is we must be prepared to the agility enterprise, because if we are not ready yet about what is coming, we will never achieve the development for the future of our world and future for our next generations which will come in unexpected time, so be prepare and make it becomes the chance to change the world.
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