Lean management or agile?

Through thoughtful design, agile and lean management can be the perfect match for companies in search of lasting performance improvement.

Institutions ranging from aerospace manufacturers to tax authorities have nevertheless persisted, focusing their efforts on lean management and agile. Both methodologies have proven their worth as integrated systems for helping improve performance.

The mistake we find many leaders and organizations making is believing they need to choose between the two. In fact, that’s not true. Not only is choosing unnecessary, but the two methodologies complement one another in ways that increase the impact they generate, often by deploying Industry 4.0 technologies to speed transformation. Under this best-of-both approach, top-performing companies combine tools, ways of working, and organizational elements from each to form a custom solution that meets the company’s unique needs more completely and quickly than has been possible.

Further reading: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/lean-management-or-agile-the-right-answer-may-be-both#
