Creating non-monetary results of utilizing an e-commerce

By Jasmine Eliza Syaima Hakiki NIM    : 2301952893

Accounting theorist Jerry’s (2015) theory states that a non-monetary asset is a financial asset that is subject to change in price and value at any given moment. Non-monetary assets include copyright and patents, real estate, and data. It’s said by Turban et al. that (2018). An e-commerce transaction is one in which products, services, or information are sold, purchased, or traded through the internet. E-commerce has become more popular among consumers in our all-digital age, and it is expanding at a quick pace in Indonesia, as seen by the fact that, according to statistics, the number of transactions conducted via e-commerce rises year after year.
Personal data from clients who have signed up for e-commerce is a non-monetary asset that may be used by e-commerce. The data may be utilized by e-commerce to carry out marketing initiatives by analyzing consumer behavior. When I open an e-marketplace, I often search for beautiful things, thus the pop-ups that display on my main page are usually beauty products as well. As a result, even if I am unaware that the e-marketplace is making use of my personal information, I am made to feel more comfortable as a consumer.


Turban, E., Outland, J., King, D., Lee, J.K., Liang, T.-P., Turban, D.C.. (2018). Electronic Commerce 2018 A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. 9th Edition. Springer. Berlin, German. ISBN: 9783319587141.

Jerry J. Weygandt. (2015). Financial accounting. IFRS edition. 03. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken. ISBN: 9781118978085