Inexorability of e-commerce part 1

by Hadi Sasana Putra NIM    : 2301883574

Competitiveness is redefined in terms of information content and information delivery systems when it comes to electronic commerce or activities that directly support commerce via electronic connections (networks). Customers and businesses alike may purchase and sell things electronically through computerized commercial transactions, according to Laudon & Laudon (1998). E-commerce serves various purposes for businesses. Some people just use e-mail for certain sections, such as the sales portion. Some companies utilize websites to showcase their goods and services, as well. Some organizations utilize e-commerce for all of their transactions, from ordering to payment to delivery (Celestino, 1999). If you’re selling software that can be downloaded over the internet, you can accomplish all of this. The internet will play an ever-increasing role in the scale of commercial transactions in the future, as more and more people utilize it.
While e-commerce is an essential part of human civilization and economic progress today, older businesses are also making the option to compete with newer economies by using e-commerce. Trade costs may be reduced, efficiency increased, social resources allocated, and conventional company management reformed and innovated via the development of E-commerce. There is no doubt that the internet and economic globalization are here to stay. Adapting to these developments, building online business modes, finding and developing online business prospects, and participating in e-commerce have become the major opportunities and difficulties for contemporary enterprises. Cost savings (35%), better customer service (32%), more income (18%), better marketing (13%), and a slew of other advantages come from conducting business online (Prihastono, 2010). Traditional systems are more expensive to build, run, and maintain than internet-based applications.


Celestino, Manha L. (1999). Electronic Com- merce. [hal. www). World Trade.

Prihastono, E. (2010). Pemanfaatan Teknologi Internet Dalam Bisnis Suatu Perusahan E-Commerce. Dinamika Teknik, 4(1): 1-12