Communicate with Your Team During a Rapidly Evolving Crisis

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Keeping your employees informed during a crisis should be one of your top priorities as a leader. It’s your responsibility to stay on top of events as they unfold — especially if they’re evolving as fast as they are right now. At the same time, beware of hype. News outlets often focus on what’s new, rather than the big picture, and they sometimes don’t distinguish between hard facts, soft facts, and speculation. Think critically about the source of the information before acting on it. Of course, employees have direct access to many sources of information too — but don’t assume they’re fully informed. It’s far better to create and widely share a regularly updated summary of facts and implications so you’re all on the same page. And constantly reframe your understanding of what’s happening. Don’t hold off on disseminating plans just because they might change. Create a living document, with a time-stamped “best current view,” and update it regularly, highlighting critical changes.
This tip is adapted from Lead Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis,” by Martin Reeves, Nikolaus Lang, and Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak


Source:  Reeves, M., Lang, N., & Carlsson-Azlezak, P.  (2020). Lead Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Mar 16, 2020, 3:38 PM


Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. As a leader, yes, it is a must for a leader to make sure all of his followers keep gaining new information through team communication especially during this pandemic event. Without communication, any team work that needed to be done might have a negative impact. There are a lot of software that might be useful for team to communicate effectively. Don't let this pandemic event ruin our project!

  2. Monica Vania Stephanie / 2001590796. It is important when we as a leader to communicate to all the member of the team. Especially when a country hit by a pandemic, as a leader we have to warn all of our employees. When we don’t communicate well with our employees, our employees don’t see us a good example of a leader. To avoid the negative things will happen next, we have to communicate well with our employees. Especially we have to tell our employee to keep save our big data so when a crisis happens. The stored data can be reused after a crisis has finished

  3. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Saya setuju dengan artikel tersebut. Sebagai pemimpin kita harus dapat memberikan informasi yang benar kepada bawahan. Dalam menyampaikan informasi ada biknya kita dapat melakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu terhadap sumber informasi yang ingin kita sebarkan. Jangan mudah untuk menyebarkan informasi yang belum tentu jelas dan terpercaya sumbernya. Hal ini dapat mengurangi dan mencegah kepanikan karyawan atau masyarakat di tengah krisis yang ada.

  4. Edo Roy - 2001547665 of course communication is important to keep the team working together. and as a leader we must keep informing our employess of new information even if they already new the information because some of them may not know about the new information. so that there wont be any miscommunication about new information.

  5. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 As bosses, we must communicate with our team in any situation. It is far better to make and share an updated summary of facts and implications so that we are all on the same page and in line with the goals to be achieved.

  6. Communication is probably one of the most important things in the workplace, including in the current critical condition, communication is also very needed in the workplace. This pandemic causes inductive interference with communication lines, but this can still be minimized by communicating virtually through video conferencing platforms and call conferences. Keep trusting each other, and always being open to every situation and condition is a very important key at a crisis like today.

  7. As a leader must be able to communicate well. Good communication can be based on giving real facts, so that the listener can understand. like this pandemic problem, if the leader feels many obstacles to the company eating the leader can communicate with workers by providing the facts that occur and involve employees to participate in communication by asking if there is the best solution for all parties. Thank you, Afra Soraya – 2001600393.

  8. As a leader its important to keep sharing knowledge and information during crisis such as these days we have to face pandemic and unable to communication directly to each other. Sharing information must be filtered by the relevance, fact and real-time data. Leader have to keep updated information to his/her team. dont assume all the team member have the same level of knowledge, thats why leader have to keep update the information and knowledge to all team members.

  9. As a leader, it is your job to inform all employees about the information. Make sure you are on the same page as them so there is no information left. Always think carefully before making a decision and know what is happening now.

  10. Communcation is the best way to keep in check with each other. Especially the leader have to know the situation and condition about their employee. The leader have to communicate with everyone so the leader can keep their team performance

  11. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 As a leader must be able to communicate well with employees. Good communication can be based on providing true and accurate facts, so that our employees can understand. like the problem we are facing right now that is Covid-19 if the leader feels a lot of obstacles that occur in the company then the leader can communicate with employees by providing information and news about what is happening and involving employees to participate in communication by asking if there is the best solution for all parties

  12. leader in sharing information can be used to increase knowledge sharing within organizational teams.It can utilize these recommendations to help organizations enhance team performance and strengthen their competitive advantage by leveraging the collective knowledge of a team. Right now we face with pandemic situation that make us must work from home, in this situation we can use online tools to share information between leader and team.

  13. As a leader play an extremely important role during crisis, have to encourage effective communication at the workplace. Let employees discuss issues amongst themselves and come to the best possible alternative to overcome crisis. Then, it is the duty of the leader to provide a sense of direction to the employees.

  14. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336 . Di tengah pandemi covid19 yang mengharuskan untuk social distancing membangun komunikasi yang baik adalah salah satu cara untuk tetap keep in touch dengan rekan. Teknologi yang semakin modern seharusnya social distancing bukan menjadi masalah, karena banyak sekali platform yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Sebagai leader sudah seharusnya untuk memberikan informasi kepada rekanan kerja dan membuat plan alternatif lain sehingga target tetap tercapai.

  15. Erlyta Agustin W - 2001598956 Dalam menjalankna masa krisis memang diperlukan tanggung jawab besar dalm hal menyelesaikan apa yang dilakukan. Dan terkadang dimasa krisis hal yang berhubungan dengan spekulasi sangat marak terjadi . Inilah dimana momen kita harus membingkai bagimana kita harus betul2 memahami apa yang ada didalam berita yang ada

  16. nama: Jemmy Young nim: 2001624651 during crisis information that is not true often appears. for that it is important to keep our employees well informed. in my opinion one of the efforts that can be done is to determine the schedule of weekly online meetings to discuss information

  17. Daniel Nalom - 1901497174 Thanks for sharing, i certainly agree to keep communicate within our team going and updated for everyone knows whats happening..

  18. ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 in this article explained that we must have good communication even in the worst situations, so that we can find solutions together and can immediately solve the problem

  19. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) Leaders have an important role in a crisis like this, information is very important, all information that can be given can be an important asset for each individual and novelty and reliable source of information is also needed.

  20. on this article, i learned how to communicate with the team during this crisis, to get the objectives on projects sclear and to make sure team is on direct access to many sources of information by updating regularly Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  21. if its one thing that a leader should have, its communication. the lack of communication of a leader will create a disaster in the team. team leader have to make sure that all of the team member is on the same page

  22. Success in team work will be very important by effective communication between members in it. When people work together to achieve goals, this requires planning, working together, discussing the role of individuals, and good communication. Work in teams will be effective when you can discuss, exchange advice, and know how to communicate effectively with others. Especially, with the combination of autocratic leadership in times of crisis will certainly helpss the employee to have direction in their line of work.

  23. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Menurut saya artikel ini bagus, karena benar adanya, sebagai pemimpin, kita harus menginformasikan segala informasi penting kepada rekan kerja kita. sehingga setiap informasi bisa disalurkan dengan baik, disamping itu, ada baiknya juga jika kita sebagai pemimpin menyerap baik-baik informasi, menyaringnya, sebelum melakukan suatu tindakan terhadap perusahaan maupun rekan kerja, agar meminimalisir hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan

  24. Communicate every information to employees and ask their opinions, but don't just focus there, we also have to combine with knowledge and other proven things (scientific facts) available, to avoid misinformation that will occur