Weigh the Pros and Cons of Grad School

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Even though unemployment is low, competition for many jobs remains fierce, leading some people to consider graduate school. But it’s expensive to earn an advanced degree, and the return on investment can be unpredictable. Here’s how to think through the pros and cons for your unique situation. On the pro side, people with graduate degrees are generally paid more. You will probably go into debt though, so ask yourself whether a master’s will really boost earning potential in your field. You might be thinking about grad school as a way to make a career transition. If you want to shift to a completely new field, additional education might help. But if you simply need to learn new skills, you may be able to get that training on the job, or through cheaper online resources like Udemy, Coursera, or even YouTube. Employers, including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, have all indicated learning aptitude is more attractive to them than skills acquired in a classroom. But this hasn’t stopped many employers from paying a premium for graduate credentials. Ultimately, like many decisions in life, the decision to attend grad school depends on your tolerance for risk.
This tip is adapted from Should You Go to Graduate School?,” by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic


Source:  Chamorro-Premuzic, T.  (2020). Should You Go to Graduate School? Harvard Business Review.  From: https://hbr.org/2020/01/should-you-go-to-graduate-school?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=mtod_notactsubs . Retrieved on Feb 17, 2020, 4:37 PM


Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Yes, there are so many learning platforms that anyone can join to learn new skills. But, in my opinion, the level of education is also very important, especially if someone wants to be promoted in the company. Most companies have a minimum level of education for a level of work (or job level)...I don't know why, but it happens to many companies. Therefore, many companies have programs to support the level of education for their staff, such as scholarships.

  2. there is a lot way to learning new skill and knowledge not only from grad school. in my opinion if we want to work in career that don't require a lot of people's safety like video game programmer and artist, its okay for us to learn the skill and knowledge from anywhere besides grad school. but if we want to work in career that involves a lot of people's safety and interests likes a doctor and lawyer its mandatory to learn the knowledge and skill from grad school because the title from grad school is hard to achieve so people who have the title from grad school is sign that someone is indeed appropriate to holding the safety and interests of a lot people.

  3. Nama: Jemmy Young NIM: 2001624651 there is a lot way to learning new skill and knowledge not only from grad school. in my opinion if we want to work in career that don't require a lot of people's safety like video game programmer and artist, its okay for us to learn the skill and knowledge from anywhere besides grad school. but if we want to work in career that involves a lot of people's safety and interests likes a doctor and lawyer its mandatory to learn the knowledge and skill from grad school because the title from grad school is hard to achieve so people who have the title from grad school is sign that someone is indeed appropriate to holding the safety and interests of a lot people.

  4. Monica Vania Stephanie/ 2001590796. With this article, we know that several companies want the best employee. Beside we have to learn at grad school, we can get some knowledge at online site for student that share many knowledges too. There are several sites, such as Udemy, Coursera, etc. By that site, it cheaper but we also get the same knowledge as we get at grad school and also get some certificates. Some company also think that attitude is more important. Not all company thinks this way, but for company in Indonesia they still focus the people who goes to grad school will get better place. But when employee want to get better, some company will share some scholarship for them who want to get better knowledge.

  5. What i think is the importance of a graduating school is depends on what career you wanna took. for example if wanna be a manager or another higher ranking in a company, you gotta graduate school. But on the other hand if you wanna be, for example.. a boxer or a pool player professional.. you just gotta train. Not graduate from school

  6. I agree, it depends on ourselves what we want to achieve. Success doesn't mean only with people who have money for higher schools. Success means people who want to try in any way, because we can see many companies that only accept people who have high ability and perseverance. So in my opinion, with online ability classes such as Hubspot, SkillAcademy, Google, Youtube and etc can support and improve our skills. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393.

  7. Since we live in a digitalized era, we can gain a lot of new information through it. We can't "equalizing" someone based on their degree because they can be a successful person of their own. All that matter is how much will you struggle to gain the success?

  8. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Dalam artikel ini menjelaskan pro dan kontra apakah kita harus melanjutkan pendidikan ke pascasarjana. Menurut saya adalah tergantung dari individu itu sendiri, apakah ingin mengembangkan karir nya atau tidak, dan pekerjaan orang tersebut juga mempengaruhi. Karena beberapa pekeerjaan teknis membutuhkan pendidikan formal untuk melanjutkan karirnya kejenjang selanjutnya, dan tidak dapat dipelajari secara otodidak dan melalui media online. Contohnya adalah Dokter spesialis.

  9. if we want the "prestige" of your own lab, of being a prof, etc. we will need to go to grad school. if we have a passion for research and you could not see yourself doing anything but leading a research team, go to grad school. so, is it worth going to grad school? it depends on what we consider worthwhile and how that all fits with our goals, both personally and professionally.

  10. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 We cannot generalize everybody skill based on their titles because they can become successful people with their own abilities. What's important is how to get success differently with their own ways

  11. All choices are in ourselves because surely we have set goals in the future (maybe looking to stay marketable, keep your skills current, or get promoted) and If you have clearly-defined career goals, grad school will help you achieve them. So, it depends on goals and circumstances.

  12. I think that success comes from skills & willpower, so it does not matter if someone didnt want to or they cant continue their education to a high level, the most important thing in success is the desire to learn new knowledge every day in any way.

  13. Success can be seen from many point of views. We can’t tell if they succeed only if they graduate from school. But back again as needed, ask yourself what you need. If you want to take or have a degree, you must graduate college. But, if you only need a skill, you can learn it by getting a training at online resources. It depends what your goal is.

  14. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) In my opinion now with the technology that has been very supportive of making things have alternatives, if the main goal is to get income so now there are many alternatives that can be done to earn income, graduate school does not guarantee success and have a high income but with graduate school we have more options to do to get income.

  15. Edo Roy - 2001547665 menurut saya banyak sekali media pembelajaran yang dapat di ambil sehingga seseorang dapat mempunyai skill yang di harapkan. tidak di haruskan mempunyai gelar untuk mendapatkan kerjaan yang membutuhkan skill tertentu. namun banyak yang berpendapat bahwa orang yg mempunyai gelar lebih berkualitas, bukan karena biaya yang di keluarkan untuk mendapat gelar tersebut. melainkan karena orang yg mempunyai gelar di cap lebih rajin dari pada yang tidak mempunyai gelar.

  16. Erlyta Agustin - 2001598956 Saya setuju dengan apayang ada didalam artikel dimana kita harus mengenali potensi didalam bidang kita . Bagimana kita berfikir untuk pro kontra yang ada pada situasi karir yang ada. Sebagaimana kita harus memfokuskan pada karir dengan bidang kita , dan jika ingin berpindah bidang maka harus menambah pengetahuan tambahan atas apa yang akan kita masuki. Belajar untuk meningkatan ilmu atas kebutuhan karir kita juga penting untuk memutuskan akan seperti apa karir kita dan perkembangannya

  17. Calvin Sioe/2001551460 Menurut saya banyak sekali cara untuk bisa sukses, tidak selalu harus melalui pendidikan formal. Ada banyak kursus yang saat ini mengajarkan keterampilan yang bisa digunakan di dunia kerja. Selain itu mengikuti kursus juga lebih murah biayanya ketimbang mengikuti perkuliahan. Namun ada kelebihan dan kekurangan juga, maka dari itu harus disesuaikan juga dengan kebutuhan masing-masing orang karena kebutuhan setiap orang berbeda.

  18. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Pada masa sekarang banyak hal yang dapat dipelajari secara online, selain lebih mudah dan murah semua orang dapat mengaksesnya dengan mudah. Tetapi hal itu tidak menjadikan bahwa pendidikan formal menjadi tidak penting, karena dibeberapa perusahaan pendidikan terakhir seseorang juga dibutuhkan sebagai penentu posisi atau syarat untuk dapat diterima kerja pada perusahaan tersebut. Walaupun gelar tidak dapat menjadi patokan tapi setidaknya perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut memiliki syarat yang sudah dipertimbangkan sebelumnya.

  19. Many ways to Rome, as proverb we often heard. Become success is not only by go to grad school, we can do a lot of thing to get knowledge. improve our skill, passion and hobby can be done by training and exercising from workshop, online courses or any others media. But go to grad school will expand more chances to get more knowledge.

  20. For me, taking master degree is important. but working is a very good experience. So, for me working with taking master degree is the better solution

  21. Daniel Nalom 1901497174 LA26 There's a reason for a school to be exist. We take part to carry on on what our predecessor has been into. Something we learn and perfected which what's existed. Other than the value of grad school for our own sake as an individual, we pass the torch for the next generation to keep discovering and helps human in every aspects.

  22. ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 I agree with this article, that there are many platforms for developing our abilities. because experience is also an important part of having good skills

  23. on this article, i learned that pros and cons on graduate degrees. the decisions is on tolerance for risk to boost earning more potential on field, even additional education might help Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  24. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Saya sangat setuju dengan artikel tersebut, seperti yang kita ketahui, pendidikan sangatlah penting, tetapi untuk beberapa orang yang berani mengambil risiko, mungkin S1 saja cukup, karena beberapa orang yang berani mengambil resiko tersebut ingin melakukan hal baru, dengan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan sendiri disamping memakan lapangan pekerjaan yang ada, lalu hal lainnya juga menurut saya sebenarnya hal yang paling penting dalam dunia pekerjaan adalah attitude dan juga experience, yang dimana kedua hal ini lebih bermanfaat daripada ilmu teori (bukan berarti teori tidak berguna).

  25. Think about the future and long-term things about the career that we want to aim for in the future, and also think about our hobbies, if we are indeed hobbies learning then we can continue our studies to the next level, but if we want to be diligent in the career field, then we can focus more on what career we want to aim for and pursue