Managing an Employee with Depression
shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
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Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, so there’s a good chance you will manage someone with the disorder during your career. It is also likely that your employee will come directly to you to request accommodations rather than going to HR. To prepare, learn what you can about the condition. If you understand the symptoms, you’ll be able to better anticipate employee needs. You can proactively help in several ways. Allow flexible hours: Research shows flexible work hours actually increase productivity, commitment to the organization, and retention. Also, reinforce the employee’s successes: Repeated victories over time create positive work experiences and increase confidence. Break down large projects into parts: Shorter-term deadlines allow employees to see large projects as smaller, more manageable tasks. Play to the employee’s strengths: If they feel like tasks are designed for them, they’ll be more likely to view the tasks as important, complete them more quickly, and feel validated. Lastly, familiarize yourself with available resources (not only for your employees but also for yourself as you navigate these conversations). Many companies nowadays have free Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) or other forms of assistance. Proactively sharing these resources with your team might make them more likely to approach you before any problems seriously compromise their work performance. |
This tip is adapted from “How to Manage an Employee with Depression,” by Kristen Bell DeTienne, Jill M. Hooley, Cristian Larrocha, and Annsheri Reay |
Source: DeTienne, K.B., Hooley, J.M., Larrocha, C., & Reay, A.. (2020). How to Manage an Employee with Depression? Harvard Business Review. From: . Retrieved on Mar 3, 2020, 4:37 PM
Brian Richard - 2001580321 Depression is the thing that we can’t handle on our own, we need someone to stand by on our side, though we need rely on someone. Through this article, Its important that we need to increase our awareness if some of our colleagues have depression. They might need help but are afraid to ask. We need to create a positive work environment in order to prevent the depression itself. Don’t be a toxic to each other and everything will be fine.
Calvin Sioe (2001551460) Depression is a serious threat and need to be dealt with immediately with professional help such psychiatrist. I think that it's a good idea for companies to provide psychiatrist for employees at work.
Bobby Ryan Hartono Depression happens to the best of us. Whether it can be from your family, friends, or even loved one not just from work. We are who we are after all, there is no cure for that. All that lead to hopelessness and even found ourselves in rock bottom but only to discover another rockier bottom. Sharing is not enough but a solution is enough, because we're delaying the problem and increasing confidence is just pity from others. We can invite the employees to exercises but with punishment for their muscle with intensity and bordering cruelty
m ramadhan aditia - 2001570623 organizing work to decrease tension for the employee is a good thing to do, but the most important thing to make a less depressing environment is to comfort them in any way and make them feel like there is no weight on their shoulders while doing the job.
Irfan Arsyad - 2001583752 I think this is a very good article because depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide & it affected by mental health issues. If company cannot managing this employee depression issue it will cause decreased employee productivity. So it's very important to manage this issue by provide a human resource to help the employee in difficult times at work.
Irfan Arsyad - 2001583752 I think this is a very good article because depression it can affected by mental health issues. If company cannot managing this employee depression issue it will cause decreased employee productivity. So it's very important to manage this issue by provide a human resource to help the employee in difficult times at work.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Depression is something that in my opinion is dangerous for someone if not immediately handled, Depression can come from anywhere, including the work environment that has a lot of pressure from the environment itself. how to deal with depression? We need to create a positive work environment to prevent depression itself or with us coming to a psychiatrist.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 Depression is something that in my opinion is dangerous for someone if not immediately handled, Depression can come from anywhere, including the work environment that has a lot of pressure from the environment itself. how to deal with depression? We need to create a positive work environment to prevent depression itself or with us coming to a psychiatrist.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226
Wulandari (2001610583) Thanks for the article, Sir. The ability to focus on employee strengths while still supporting productivity and performance is an important skill to develop. This can be particularly effective when working with employees who may be experiencing mental health issues.
Afra Soraya - 2001600393 This article is very helpful, because it provides an overview of how we deal with employees or ourselves who might be depressed. Employees are valuable assets for the company, so companies must be able to set up mechanisms or procedures to overcome the problems that will be faced by employees. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393
Ghia Sakanti Narendrakanyaka - 2001578374 Depression is an issue that often occurs. Depression usually occurs due to work or family problems. This article teaches us how to lessen depression that happens to the employee. We need to learn the symptoms and employee's need. We can help it with this way : Allow flexible hours, Reinforce the employee’s successes, Break down large projects into parts, Play to the employee’s strengths, and Familiarize yourself with available resources (not only for your employees but also for yourself as you navigate these conversations). Proactively sharing these resources with your team might make them more likely to approach you before any problems seriously compromise their work performance.
Verent Angelia - 2001609745 I think depression is one of dangerous mental health issues. Depression will make someone be less productive, less passionate, less interaction with others and this is will bring some disadvantages to the company. This article may help someone who work with colleagues with depression issues. To prevent depression, we all need positive environment and positive vibes around us.
Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia - 2001615205 I hope all company has an Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, this can be a good place to start. This type of service can provide onsite counseling by a licensed therapist, provide telephonic counseling or in the case that the actual EAP is located far from the company and the employee desires face to face counseling, make a referral to a counselor in their network. All of these services can help the employee better cope with their mental illness and ideally, begin improving their work performance.
Melyana Pangestu Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Depression can be avoided if an employee tells a problem or difficulty to his boss and his boss listens to his employee's story. However, often employees cannot be too open with their boss for various reasons, especially if the boss pressures them. Therefore, every large company usually offers consultation sessions with the HR or HC team, so employees feel more free to vent their problems and their problems can be handled properly.
Bayu Pratama Bayu Pratama - 2001624336 . Dalam artikel ini bisa kita pelajari bahwa depresi tidak bisa dianggap sepele. Depresi dikatakan menjadi penyebab utama disabilitas di dunia. Salah satu cara untuk menghindarinya adalah jangan terlalu overthinking pada cacian atau bullyan seseorang, tetapi fokus pada hal positif. Untuk itu perlu juga ada nya support system yang baik dari lingkungan kita.
ade hafizh arifta ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 ketika bekerja pasti ada kalanya merasakan sebuah depresi. Depresi dapat dihindari jika seorang karyawan menceritakan masalah atau kesulitan kepada bosnya dan bosnya mendengarkan cerita karyawannya ataupun saling mendengarkan, artinya keterbukaan satu sama lain ketika bekerja sangat penting, karena jika semuanya saling berhubungan baik akan berpengaruh kepada hasil yang diberikan ketika bekerja.
Kevin Bangun Renaldy Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Menurut saya artikel ini baik, dimana memberi kesempatan pada setiap karyawan untuk berkembang, tetapi dengan step by step, tidak langsung terburu-buru, hal ini menurut saya penting bagi karyawan, karena dengan begitu, karyawan akan memilki pengalaman yang luas, dan kerja yang positif.
Fatah Panji Firmansyah Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) in my opinion one of the biggest reasons why many employees are depressed is because the income earned is not comparable to what they do in the office. So it would be nice if the company or manager always pay attention to employee benefits that employees get are proportional to what they do for the company.
Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796) Monica Vania Stephanie Santoso // 2001590796 // LA26 Depression is very common happen in the office. When some employee gets some depressions, they will express in many ways. For example: they will lock they self, don’t want to talk to anyone, etc. This depression can be prevented by tell their boss to make their job lighter than usual. But sometime the boss listed to their employee but sometimes they don’t listen it. Beside tell their boss, employee can talk to HR in one of the companies. So, the HR will give some advice to deal with it. By listen to their employee, it will support the work environment in a company. So this article is good to anticipate the depression that will happen to the employee.
Agustin Savira - 2001604246 on this article, i learned how to manage employee depression during work, with learn what you can about the condition, anticipate employee needs and proactively help in several ways. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246
Daniel Nalom Daniel Nalom-1901497174(LA26) Employees is an important assets for a company, employees commitment and dedication is what all companies should be seek from each employee to produce the best productivity and the best potential to state of the company.
Jemmy Young Nama: Jemmy Young NIM: 2001624651 when employee face the depression its not only the employee own problem, this is company problem too. why? because if empolyee is depression, their job performance is getting lower and this is not good for company. thats why company need to support and help employee to heal their depression. a big company should have at least one psychologist to face this problem.
Muhammad Ragil Kesuma Putra (20015839) Depression's sucks can tell you that, when it comes to company employees it can reduce their productivity.. so its necessary to keep a look out your employees mental health
Erlyta Agustin Wilarto Depresi adalah salah satu mental health issue yang dapat terjadi bagi siapa saja dilingkup pekerjaan . Saya setuju jika penyelesaian daripada ini adalah kita harus belajar untuk memahami apa yg menjadi kebutuhan dan bagimana mengantisipasi. Depresi bukanlah hal yang bisa disepelekan karna bisa berakibat fatal . Dengan ini saya mendapat wawasan bahwa dengan beberapa pendekatan semua akan dapat ditemukan jalan keluarnya. Membangun relasi dan membentuk percakapan dapat membantu sesama mengalami maslaah serius .
Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Masalah depresi bisa di temukan dimana saja khususnya di dunia kerja yang penuh dengan tekanan. Depresi dapat diatasi atau diminimalisir dengan adanya komunikasi yang baik dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi setiap karyawan. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan antara karyawan dengan atasannya, dengan staff-staff khusus yang melayani permasalahan di tingkat karyawan, dan jika dibutuhkan bisa mengunakan pihak eksternal seperti psikolog yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalahnya sehingga kinerjanya tidak terganggu dalam perusahaan tersebut.
Edo Roy Edo Roy - 2001547665 sebagai seorang makhluk hidup kita harus bisa berempati dengan persaan orang lain. bukan malah menambah pekerjaan kepada orang yang sedang mengalami depresi. dengan mengerti perasaan / keadaan orang tersebut pada saat ini kita bisa membantu sedikit sedikit seperti memberinya pekerjaan sesuai kemampuan dia. jika kita malah memberikan beban terlalu banyak pada orang depresi maka kemungkinan terburuk pun akan terjadi.
Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim I very agree to the article above. All living things can be depressed and that's a natural thing. So when the employee is depressed all you need is hear what is their problem, and if you can solved it, its good but if you dont you can ask to HR.
Sri Wulan H.T (2001548535) Workers who are depressed or in trouble will certainly also have an impact on the results they give to the company. We as managers might be able to help them by providing solutions to their problems or ask what is happening and give positive feedback to them