Supply Chain Integration (Part 2)

Menurut Zhao et al., (2013) Supply Chain Integration (SCI) terdiri dari tiga dimensi internal, supplier, dan customer integration.

1. Supplier Integration

Menurut Lamb, Hair dan McDaniel (2011) Supplier Integration adalah “Firms  that should link seamlessly to those outsiders that provide goods and service to them, so that they can streamline work processes and thereby provide smooth, high quality customer experiences.”

Supplier Integration menurut Munch (2015) merupakan “An organizational concept for corporate wide and interdepartmental integration of suppliers, service providers, and equipment manufacturers.”

Supplier Integration menurut Zhao et  al., (2013) merupakan “The degree to which a manufacturer partners with its external partners to structure inter-organizational strategies, practices and processes into collaborative, synchronized processes which involves core competencies related to coordination with critical suppliers.” Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator : menjaga hubungan kerjasama dengan supplier, menciptakan hubungan jangka panjang terhadap supplier, dan melibatkan supplier dalam usaha peningkatan kualitas pelayanan perusahaan.

 2. Internal Integration

Menurut Lamb, Hair dan McDaniel (2011) Internal Integration adalah “The result of capabilities development toward the goal of linking internally performed work into seamless process that stretches across departmental and or functional boundaries, with the goal satisfying customer requirements”

Menurut Ataseven dan Nair (2017) Internal Integration adalah “Instrumental in improving product and process designs with the use of cross-functional teams, which helps reduce costs for the organization and enhances efficiencies”.

Internal Integration menurut Zhao et  al (2013) merupakan “The degree to which a manufacturer structure its own organizational strategies, practices and processes into collaborative, synchronized processes, in order to fulfill its customers requirements and efficiently interact with its suppliers.” Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator: komunikasi internal departemen, komunikasi antar departemen, kerjasama dan penyelesaian konflik antar internal departemen.

 3. Customer Integration

Menurut Lamb, Hair dan McDaniel (2011) customer integration adalah “A competency that enables firms to offer long lasting, distinctive, value added offering to those customer who represent the greatest value to the firm or supply chain.

Menurut Jonas (2018) customer integration adalah “A critical issue for the success of a new service”, yaitu isu penting untuk kesuksesan layan baru. Selain itu menurut Chavez et al., (2015) customer integration adalah “Commonly associated with collaboration activities such as frequent customer contact and the evaluation of customer satisfaction and customer future expectations”.

Customer integration menurut Zhao et  al., (2013) merupakan “The degree to which a manufacturer partners with its external partners to structure inter-organizational strategies, practices and processes into collaborative, synchronized processes which involves core competencies derived from coordination with critical customers.” Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator : pemberian informasi berkala terhadap customer, pemberian feedback dari customer, responsif terhadap kebutuhan customer, survei kebutuhan customer.



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Dr. Sambudi Hamali