Promotion Campaigns in e-Service Part II

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Promotion Campaigns in e-Service Part II

Of all these promotions, some are still relevant for use in the era of e-Service business where it prioritizes the use of the internet as a mode for promotion. . Promotion or marketing conventionally is still done but adds an element of digital marketing. Digital marketing is an internet-based marketing technique to provide persuasion to prospective consumers over the internet to buy or use the company’s products or services. Some things that can be done in a promotional campaign on e-Service is to optimize SEO or Search Engine Optimization that improves the company’s website in search through Google. SEO does not exist in the conventional marketing mix and e-service companies can improve through the use of websites with updated content and qualified graphics in order to Consumers are interested. Not only with discounts and the lure of “buy1 get 1”,consumers also see the company’s image as well as testimonials or reviews of the company’s products. This can be helped by promotional campaigns by engaging consumers as part of the company as well as understanding the needs of consumers. The use of social media is also a new means for companies to promote by placing ads/ advertising on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. The real implementation of e-Service with digital promotion campaigns is Gopay from Gojek. Gopay is a pioneer of Indonesian digital wallets and also uses sales promotion and maximizes the quality of electronic services through the go-Jek application so that consumers can buy back and buyback. achieve customer satisfaction of Go-Jek users. The promotion carried out by Go-Jek through gopay contains campaigns with interesting and current content and of course, massively directs users to continue using Go-Pay. as a digital wallet choice by providing discounts as well as attractive promos. Another advantage of the promotion that Go-Jek does is to cooperate with many partners and GoPay can be used anywhere and anytime, of course. This can increase the satisfaction of Go-Pay users. In fact, with the development of technology, promotion and marketing carried out by the company can continue to grow and the services of companies that were previously conventional can become more Easy and simple with the use of the internet. Another example is the use of email for subscriptions to the company’s website or social media so that consumers can continue to receive offers presented by the company. company. Electronic promotional interactions are also easier with the use of complaints on social media against complaints and advice, especially for companies that offer services. . A good promotional campaign is certainly one that can attract new prospective customers and still maintain good interaction by maximizing service to consumers. so that consumer satisfaction is achieved and the services provided can meet the wants and needs of consumers.


Fiona, D.R. & Hidayat, W. (2020).” Effect of  Sales  Promotion  and E-Service Quality on  Re-Buying    Interest  Through  Customer  Satisfaction  (Study  on  Gopay customers  in Jabodetabek)”. Journal of  Business Administration  Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 333-341.

Hedynata,M.L., &  Radianto,W.E.D. (2015). “Promotional Strategies    in  IncreasingSales of  Luscious Chocolate PotatoSnacks”.  Journal of  Business Management and Start-Ups,  vol. 1, no.1, pp. 87-96.

Dicky Hida Syahchari