Information Search in e-Service

Dimas Raihan Mahardika – 2301909535

 Information Search in e-Service

Definition and Concept

Is it an e-service first? According to the journal “A review paper on e-service” mentions that e-Service is an activity where the provider provides information to customers who ask for certain information or services through electronic devices or services. internet. It is like we can find in insurance services and customer service. It is mentioned in journals as content-centred electronic interactions where the meaning is to provide content or special information to a person through electronic interaction. . (Taherdoost, Sahibuddin, & Jalaliyoon, 2014) So is it search information? Information search is the activity of finding information both digitally and directly, such as the example in general when people ask the direction of the road to a person and receive information about that. This is called the exchange of information in general. After discussing these 2 separate points, it can be combined and described that information search in e-Service is looking for certain information in the information search service via electronic. When we type in the google search bar page and search for information about something we want, Google itself is already the subject of its e-Service and we are as search for that information. What proves that information search in electronic services can provide a good means for many people? Let’s take a look at the level of customer satisfaction in finding information through the internet. According to the journal I read an e-Service website must have a complete quality of information, usefulness (useful or efficient), as well as good e-Service quality in order to produce e-Satisfaction ( People’s satisfaction with the services provided from e-Service) and create trust or trust. Based on the journal that I refer that an e-Service application in addition to having to get the right information must be able to provide some adaptations as the times go on. from the digital world. (Sharma & Wang, 2015)


Sharma, G., & Wang, L. (2015). The Effects of Online Service Quality of e-commerce Websites on User Satisfaction. The Electronic Library,18.

Taherdoost, H., Sahibuddin, S., & Jalaliyoon, N. (2014). Technology Concepts. A review paper on e-service, 8.

Dicky Hida Syahchari